Master Chief


  • Master Chief replied to the topic Us 82nd in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Nice work. I started playing Bolt Action with the 101st Airborne, and my army just continue to grow on their own … my French resistance platoon just arrived today 😅

  • I thought you meant the hardcopies were at Ospreygames website. Now I see the PDFs available as well at £16 each. If you buy both the hardcopy and the PDF or ePub version, you get 25% discount for both. I’ll wait for the Warlord PDFs.

  • Does anyone here have any idea as to when the new D-Day book; “D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors – Bolt Action Theatre Book”, will be available?

    I just received my pre-ordered copy last Friday with the free Stan Hollis miniature. I am also waiting for the PDF as well.

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Loaders in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Do note that the composition of the Parachute Diversion Section was changed in the latest FAQ to include one more man (although it doesn’t resolve your question):

    Page 138, Parachute Diversion Section. Composition should be: NCO and 7 men.

    The weapons configuration stated for the Parachute Diversion Section is:

    NCO and three men with rifles,…[Read more]

  • <p style=”text-align: left;”>This will never happen (different theater, allies, etc), but what happens when Vasily meets Kieffer?</p>
    Vasily Zaitsev (Ostfront book):

    Kill-shot: Zaitsev’s uncanny ability means that any shot he takes
    against infantry, artillery and soft skin vehicles will inflict damage
    on a roll of 2+ regardless of the ta…[Read more]

  • Lacking any other special rules/restrictions, I would suggest manhandling as for a light howitzer (6″ on a ‘Run’ order).

    Yes sounds logical. I am thinking of getting the US T66, 5 more points for 1 more man compared to the Land Mattress. It can be printed from this file:

  • Very nice indeed.

  • I wanted to find out the German/British player’s experience in fielding the Nebelwerfer/Land Mattress. Do you prefer to use them for firing smoke (providing cover for your troops) or HE? Are they effective? How do you move them?

    Stats for the Land Mattress can be found on page 100 of the Battleground Europe book, pretty much the same as the…[Read more]

  • I think it might be a 1/48 scaled model. Perry mjniatures website lists a 1/56 BM 58 Junkers Ju 87 B2 ‘Stuka’ resin kit that comes complete with decals and a transparent canopy.

  • However the rule do state that they are not on the table… so if they are not on the table how do you measure the distance from them to the hidden unit?

    Yes they are off the table but “in the transport”, so we can measure from the vehicle.


    BUT as you say its not clearly stated either way*…. and if it came up in a game (as stated) my initial com…

    [Read more]

  • Hidden Units are not stated to be affected by units on a transport, and transported units are mentioned not to be able to interact with units not on the transport (see officers Snap-to).

    By the same argument, hidden units are also not stated to be unaffected by units in transport. And only transported HQ units are unable to use their “special”…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 153:

    If a vehicle listed as a transport/tow picks a weapon option that means the transport loses its transport/towing ability, it no longer counts as a transport/tow for the purposes of force selection, but as either an armoured car (if wheeled and with damage value 7+ or worse) or an anti-aircraft or self-propelled…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 116:

    Transports and any unit they carry are, of course, two separate units and must be given two separate orders.


    Page 131:

    Hidden units remain hidden until one of the following happens:
    • The hidden unit is ordered to Fire, Advance or Run.
    An enemy unit scores a hit on the hidden unit (other t…[Read more]

  • We are preparing for an amphibious landing game but its looks suicidal.

    Haha I have no doubt it is. I have always thought itnwas a kiracle for a soldier to survive D-Day, as the odds of being killed were so high.

  • Soft-skinned vehicles (6+) are not automatically destroyed when damage is scored by small arms fire rolling a 6. Damage by small arms against soft-skinned vehicles also need to make the additional roll on the Damage Results Against Vehicles table (Bolt Action 2nd Ed, page 108) to determine the final outcome.

  • Master Chief replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    My understanding is for 6in range weapons the Point Blank and Long Range modifiers cancel each other out, except for flamethrowers, they do not suffer the long range penalty as explained on Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 67:


    Also, flamethrowers don’t rely on kinetic energy to penetrate a target’s armour, so they don’t suffer the –1 Pen penalty…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action latest FAQ:

    Page 67, Fixed special rule, fourth paragraph. The sentence should be changed to read as follows:

    When ordered to Run, fixed weapons move the normal 12″ over open ground or 6″ over rough ground, obstacles etc.

    It is always a good idea to check the  latest FAQs and Errata, as many issues have probably been highlighted by…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action rulebook 2nd Ed page 70 (last sentence of paragraph above HE table):

    Note that the models removed as casualties can come from anywhere in the unit, not just from the models within the explosion radius.

    So the answer to both your questions is “No”. For  HE exceptional damage, the attacker chooses the model to remove. In the case the…[Read more]

  • Yes based on the current rules the rifle grenade adaptor is a heavy weapon. I guess some players would like to see the following added (just to make it absolutely clear) in the next Bolt Action errata:

    All rifle grenade adaptors/VB launcher entries in all books. Add the following line:

    The rifle grenade adaptor/VB Launcher is considered a heavy…[Read more]

  • … OR do you have to have all the western books to get rules for a Japanese army?

    All 4 books give the same stats and points for RGAs. They just have different descriptive write-ups and allowed numbers for difderent nationalities.

    – The Armies of France & Allies (not Battle of France) book referred specifically to the VB Launcher for French…[Read more]

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