

  • Steiner replied to the topic Penetration in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago

    What about a bazooka or a panzerfaust (hollow charges)? Can they shooting against infantry? How would it work?

  • Flamethrower against open-topped vehicles. Does the open-topped also have the double penalty like with HE? +1 penetration and + 1 Damage chart.

    I cannot find in the rulebook if the flamethrower causes this double penalty in open-topped … page?

  • Steiner replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago

    Thanks 😊 Stuart. Perfectly clarified.

  • Steiner replied to the topic Superficial Damage in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago

    Thanks Stuart. It’s very clear 👌 I missed the … ‘or less’ part.

  • <p style=”text-align: left;”>Dear Comrades,</p>
    If you get a superficial damage in a vehicle, you roll a D6 with -3. So, if you roll a 3, 2 or 1 you get less than 1. In that case no damage at all, correct?

    In other words you have a 50% to miss or inflict a real damage.

  • Steiner replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago

    One new doubt …

    A flamethrower can benefit from short distance too? I mean, a flamethrower firing without moving at a distance of 2 inches, is that … ÷3 with modifiers short distance and point blank … a 2+ would correct?

  • Got it Stuart. Thousands of thanks. I will modified the example for my personal FAQ. 🙂

  • Steiner replied to the topic HE against building in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 7 months ago

    Thanks you very much Stuart. You’re very patient with me. I am struggling with the rules, but I am starting grab some complex issues. Thanks a lot 🙂

  • Steiner replied to the topic HE against building in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 7 months ago

    Let see if I get the example right now.


    In the set-up. German player deploys a sniper team inside a building on the second floor.

    Then in the first turn, the British player deploys a Cromwell tank. The Cromwell tank advances and fires its main gun with HE (2″) and its machine gun to a second floor of a building where a German sniper h…[Read more]

  • Hello Comrades,

    In today’s game, I had problems on how to proceed in this situation.

    Please, I understand this better with a practical example.

    A medium mortar hits a Bren Carrier transporting 5 infantery soldiers.

    What are the steps now to proceed?

    The open-topped makes it confusing for me. Do we have to see if there is penetration before…[Read more]

  • Steiner replied to the topic HE against building in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 7 months ago

    Thanks for tje answer.

    I see what you mean. On page 124-5 in the rulebook it says what you Just pointed out, ignore only the cover penalty hits.

    Now, I have another question about the DOWN part.

    In normal situation when a player declares a fire order then the other players can choose DOWN before the roll for HIT.

    But in the HE against…[Read more]

  • Dear Comrades,

    Let me see is I am doing this process well. with an example …

    A Cromwell tank advances and fires its main gun with HE (2″) and its machine gun to a second floor of a building where a German sniper hides.

    To see if it hits, measure distance = 23 inches. The medium AT gun is 60 inches, so it is short range. Only penalty is…[Read more]

  • Another change I would implement is in the rulebook. I would put a lot of practical examples to better understand the rule. Something like when I asked about how to use the flamethrower ..

  • I would change the roll of dice that you need to get a 6 and the roll again and get another 6 to hit. The mathematical probability is (1/6)*(1/6) =1/36 that is to say … 2,78%

    This is almost impossible. I would make it a fest roll of a 6 and the, the next one get a 4, 5 or 6.  This would be (1/6)*(1/2)= 1/12 that is to say 8,8%, a more…[Read more]

  • Steiner replied to the topic Tank main gun measuring in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    Thanks. It’s much simpler this way. 🙂

  • Steiner started the topic Tank main gun measuring in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    Dear Comrades,

    When firing the main gun of long barreled tank, where do we start measuring?

    From the end tip of the barrel or the mantle?

  • Steiner replied to the topic Damaging Soft-skin vehicle in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    I was also wondering bout this point … um?

    So, can you please confirm that with a 6 in roll to damage does NOT automatically kill but we have to use the damage table?

    And what about the number of hit?

    For instance, a German infantry squad of 10 men fire at a US jeep. The get 6 hits. Now do we roll 6 times for damage using the table?

    I am confused …

  • Steiner replied to the topic Sherman firing on the move in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago


    And just last question in this thread … can you please tell me what US vehicles have that gyro stabilized gun?

    All Shermann I suppose and?


  • So, imagine that you hot roll of 4, +2 penetration, +1 Top part of the vehicle= 7

    It matches the vehicle armor, this means superficial damage.

    Now we roll for damages, with a -3 for superficial and a +1 for second open-topped penalty. We roll a 6, so 6 -3 +1 = 4 The vehicle is still knock out despite being a superficial damage.

    Is this correct?

  • Dear Comrades,

    Does the Sherman has a hit penalty for moving?

    I remember that it has a gun stabilizer, right?

    I cannot find it in the rules ….

    Thanks in advance

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