Edward Green

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  • #165865
    Edward Green

    Below are my first two 500 denarius “Spartacus Uprising” lists. Let me know what you think?

    Roman (499)

    Hero Glaber: chainmail; sword; dagger 77
    Shield Master: Shield bash; shield wall

    Legionares (x5): w/pila; horn 142

    Legionares (x5): horn 130

    Cavalry (x5): horn 150

    Slave uprising (Gaul 499)

    Hero Spartacus (level 2): 85
    sword; leather armor; large shield
    Sword of vengence: wall of iron; lethal blade
    Natural hero: Inspire

    Hero Oenomaus: 62
    2x swords; leather armor; helmet
    Twin Blades of Hades: Rain of blades; storm of blades

    Hero Crixus: 77
    Great Axe; chain mail; helmet
    Titan of Battle: Hammer of the Gods; Mightiest swing

    Tribesmen (x10): bows 70

    Tribesmen (x10): slings 70

    Warriors (x15): 135

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Edward Green.
    Edward Green

    “There are rumours that the gladiators are already restless at Warlord, and may revolt before too long.”

    Now I am full-blown stoked! What a fantastic era/type of skirmish game, the David versus Goliath hero. Bring on Spartacus! Plus, Warlord needs a good solid gladitorial game to supplement Hail Caesar/SPQR. Keep the rumors flowing!

    Edward Green

    I just discovered the pre-order for SPQR tonight. I also agree with Tokhuah above that there is little information about the nature of the “warband” ancients. I do hope that the campaign system is good. It would make sense that this will be the skirmish rules that have been developed throughout Hail Caesar’s lifespan via Dacian, Shieldwall, and now the new Bronze era supplements. Nonetheless I am excited.

    Specifically, I think I’m going to pick up the starter set and add a few characters in order to paint up a Servile war/Spartacus themed set. The description does state the we are getting some Marian Romans. In fact, I think I’m going to add Pullo & Verenus, Pompey & Marcus Crassus, and Myrmillo gladiator to my order. Overall I’m excited for this new expansion.

    What other ideas do folks have for eras/themes with this new skirmish level ancients game?

    Edward Green

    So here is a question, that may seem obvious, but confuses me as written in the rule book. The rule book (A5 sized) states for both Roman and Ancient Britons, “Divisions must contain 4+ units excluding skirmishers and must be led by a commander” (pages 127 & 128 respectively). So for a well-rounded 300 point list the third division seems a bit difficult to manage without using a skirmishing unit as one of primary four units (in at least one division).

    Army Builder (software), incidentally does allow skirmisher units to fulfill the 4 unit minimum as a legal division. Is Army Builder correct or am I granulating the rules too much?

    Attached are my two armies comprised of the miniatures that I have. I have had to collect and paint up both the Roman and Celtic armies so that I can lure some folks to play ancients with me. Thanks for any advice in advance.

    The reason I ask, is that having a third division does make sense as per your recommendation in terms of losing the game when one division gets shattered or turns to a Monte Python moment and yells, “run away!”

    Edward Green

    I’m currently finishing up two more (of six total) warbands of Celts. One of them is a unit of fanatics, oh the naked glory! My next purchases will be a unit of chariots and cavalry. Then two more bolt throwers and a unit of cavalry for my Romans.

    Edward Green

    I was wondering about the topic of “sub-units,” listed in the “A selection of useful rules” section of the rule book. My question pertains to using auxiliary archers as small units attached to a legionary units? If we can field them as such, can we pay for a full unit of 16 archers and deploy them between into two legionary units? Or does this rule pertain only to Republican Romans? Thank you for the clarification in advance.

    Edward Green

    Hello all, my name is Eddy and live in Chicago, IL. Although I have been painting miniatures for the last seventeen years, this year has been devoted to painting up Celts and Romans for Hail Caesar. As a longtime amateur history nut, my wife and I walked the whole of Hadrian’s wall this summer which only inspired and focused my interest toward the historical period of early imperial occupation of Briton. In fact, I’ve just finished Boudica as general of my celts.

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