mark replied to the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Thanks for the answer but would that combat be fought that turn or the next ? I know the main unit involved in the sweeping advance would fight it that turn , but would the supports also ?
I think we will keep the rolling for disorder at the start of the sweeping advance , there must be a high chance that disorder would creep in after a…[Read more]
mark replied to the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Yes sorry, i am not on face book nor am i likely to be , I don’t want to be part of the social media thing
mark replied to the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
so is that a yes ? it is a sweeping advance an the melee would be fought next turn but with no charge bonus ??
mark started the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Hello everybody
Our little group consider ourselves veteran HC players , having played it since 2014, however a paragraph in HC2 has us a bit perplexed ?
We always considered that two units could not come into contact unless one was charging ? so , there had to be a minimum distance between enemy units ?
However the other night we had a…[Read more]
mark replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
That’s great , that has really cleared up the misunderstanding , we were about to give up on the rules , as we could not work it out , you have been a real help thank you from the three of us
mark replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
however ???
one last thing if the attackers musketeers happen to be within in three of the melee , but haven’t been given an order to support , can they still support ? or does the fact they haven’t been ordered bar them from acting as support ?
mark replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi there
once again thank you for getting back to me , this has cleared it up completely we will be good to go Friday , thank you for your assistance
mark replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Yes thanks for that ,my next question is
So unit “A” pike block has charged home and the melee ends in a draw , in the next turn which will be “B”s turn , who is the in effect the attacker , does he still get the support from the musketeers , as he hasn’t ordered them to support ? or does he have to order them now to support ? to get the benefit…[Read more]
mark replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Thanks for getting back so quick !!
We did intend to play them as three separate units , but , this then opens a new can of worms ,
unit “A” comprising of one musketeer one pike block and another musketeer facing unit “B” comprising of the same , now in unit “A” turn the pike block decides to charge , unit “B”” pike block , now as we understand…[Read more]
mark started the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hello there !
Our little group has been a long standing players of Hail Ceaser , we have just branched into ECW in 28mm , our main question is
A Batali , has a musketeer , pike block, musketeer , is that considered one unit ? or three ?
thank you mark
mark replied to the topic Druids ! in the forum Hail Caesar 2 years ago
Ok here are the stats etc
clash 3, sustained 1, short range 0, long range 0, Morale save 0, stamina 4, special rules Frenzied charge ,
<p class=”western”>War Dogs Disorder Infantry on (5-6) Cavalry (4-6) If Victorious in the initial charge, cannot be used to support, but can be supported by any other units , if…[Read more] -
mark replied to the topic Druids ! in the forum Hail Caesar 2 years ago
I have the stats for war hounds if any one wants them , I got them before the old forum was hacked
mark started the topic Druids ! in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years ago
Back in the dark days , before Hail Caesar , we used to play Warhammer Ancient Battles , In the army list , the ancient Briton player could have a druid , (Or Shaman, as it was called) he added varies qualities to your superstitious Celts , now Warlord sell them and they appear in the Britannia supplement , but not in the Army lists ?
Do any…[Read more]
mark replied to the topic Is Hail Caesar dying? in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years ago
Well before Covid struck, our little group regularly played lots of Hail Caeser, between us we have lots of Ancient armies and Dark Aged armies , we got together every week , and at least three out of Four weeks was a Hail caeser game.