Nat replied to the topic Struggling with play/stratagems in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 7 months ago
@SteveT – I always have a bone of contention when people come in to a game specific group /page/ forum and then say play a different game instead…
I mean I’m here because I play/ want to play X game so lets talk about X instead of telling me the Y is better!
Nat replied to the topic Japanese native irregulars in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago
@SteveT – yes, they are in Flames of Empire Book
@Nick – As per the FAQ they dont get any army special rules….how ever you can get the Austrailian /British Native Irregulars, or get the Japanese Spearmen and remove the spears replacing them with rifles.
They would be the people of the ‘greater east asia co-prosperity sphere’ who belived the…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
@stevet – as I said earlier massive damage still applies