Mick replied to the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Cheers DD, so really I’m getting the feeling that if I play on a large table with forces starting on either side I should use march to get my troops where I want them as quick as poss, but if I’m on a small table or deployment zones are really close then I should probably deploy in line?
Mick replied to the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Ok so I went back through the BP core and Epic ACW book and I understand about skirmishing units. There are 2 sections that mention about cavalry being skirmishers, so thats all good. BUT! On page 12 of the Epic book it says ALL infantry can form in mixed order which I understand, so all good there as well, but the second paragraph states that 1…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
The holding the horses makes alot of sense, I think I might just go with at approach although it does mean I’ll lose a stand while dismounted.
Thanks for the replies
Mick replied to the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Yeah someone on my hobby group suggested using it as the fourth stand, didn’t even occur to me, lol. Certainly makes things easier.
Thanks for the reply
Mick started the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
I bought a couple of Cavalry brigades, 1 each for the Union and Confederates and was looking at how to represent them on the battlefield when dismounted. I have 3 ways that I can think of, 1) is just keep them as they are and announce whether they are mted or dismted, 2) was to use the Dismounted Cavalry box, but I think their may be a blunder…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic New to ACW – A couple of questions in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Happy New Year to you all as well guys, hope you have a geat year and may all your battles be victorious and fruitful, unless you’re playig each other in which case my condolences to the defeated 🙁
I think I must have been misinterpreting the free move section, after reading your posts I went back on it and read the sections on initiative moves…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic New to ACW – A couple of questions in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Well after the last couple posts you guys have wrote I think I am a lot more re-assured, still a lot to take in, so I think what I will do is just take forces of equal size and play a few games to get my head round everything. The fundamentals I don’t think will be an issue as they are more or less the same in any combat game just with some tweaks…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic New to ACW – A couple of questions in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Thanks for the replies, they have given me a greater understanding.
@Big AI – I don’t think it’s to do with not reading the rules fully it’s more to do how I interpret them and that along side the fact that this is a new game system it’s just not what I am used to. The only rank and file game systems I have played were Warhammer Fantasy and GW’s…[Read more]
Mick started the topic New to ACW – A couple of questions in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
I just bought ACW today along with Glory Hallelujah and the BP2E core book and I have some confusion over a couple of aspects. First off the points system, I’m getting a general gist that the points system has been neglected or purposely left out of the 2nd edition! Surely in a pick up game a points system is fundamental for 2+ players to base…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
So I read the notes for S.H.I.P.S again and most of it seems simple enough, overall points over haul, easy enough. The carrier points and hanger points nice and simple. Got a couple of questions though, sorry..
1.2.0 Second AA Rework – it mentions about the AA costs, I presume this cost is implemented into the base cost of the ship and…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Ar no that means I have to redo my fleet building lists in excell, lol, bummer. My KGV’s have gone up as well :(. Well I don’t get to play much but I will defo test this versus Warlords one. If alot of the community are using it then hopefully Warlord will release an errata or better yet a pack of stat cards of the already released ships. Before I…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Well thats abit sucky. Seems as though they either favour US ships as they have released far more of them or they just didn’t do any play testing, as a novice without even playing that list I think it would smash any other fleet. Have you got a link to any community ones?
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Well if we are going date specific, I would have to radically change the fllet unless I proxy the aircraft. If I’m not proxying and we are sticking with 1943 I guess I would have to switch out the Alaska for the other two Northampton class cruisers. That puts me 2 pts over so I would either remove the radar refit on the Chester OR I could swap out…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
So I was curious about making an IJN and US carrier fleet and came up with this, based on models released and models I have (no proxies). And I was abit gobsmacked at what I came up with.
IJN (1500 pts)
Akagi (17 flights) 250pts
Zuikaku (18 flights) 275pts
Kumano 280pts
Mogami + Radar refit 305pts
5 x Fubuki Class Destroyer + refits to 1943…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
After reading your post I checked out the AA capabilities of a few of the ships from each nation, and swamping a ship seems wise as only a couple have range bands and most of the rest have Local 1 with only a few with 2+.
I’m currently solo gaming until my British fleet is fully painted so I reckon I will just practice with various styles of…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Commissioned date discrepancies in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
I think I will just stick with what is on the cards/book and append when an errata corrects it.
Mick replied to the topic Commissioned date discrepancies in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Hi, yeah I was aware the refits are cumalative, thanks for the reply though Nat :), it was just the commisioned date, while it does make more sense now what Enioch said, although I think I would have just preferred it if Warlord had put the date it was commisioned on the model as opposed to the date it had a refit.
I did still came across a…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
So from your ealier post then it sounds like you rely on alot of scouting then a massive wave of torpedoes? I think because I am still learning the game when I play it is with out a specific method of attack, like concentrating on planes, or torpedoes. But saying that I never really looked into the scouting side of i until this topic and torpedoes…[Read more]
Mick replied to the topic Commissioned date discrepancies in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Thanks Enrioch.
So really you only have to worry about the exact name and commision is really if you were playing a historical scenario. But during general play I could just go by the date on the data card?
Mick started the topic Commissioned date discrepancies in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years ago
Quick query about commissioned dates. If you guys are playing a game base on a year alone, for example you can’t have any ships after 1942. Wht adate are you basing your fleet on? As I have come across a number of discrepancies between the rulebook, data cards and the model bases.
If you look at the King George Class Battleships for example; the…[Read more]
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