Personal opinion here after constantly re-reading the rule book trying to work out the more obscure sections (of which there are many).
1: The current fight/shoot stats are added to the acting models stats without any weapon bonus. Curreent stats do account for current injuries and stuns. E.g A group of three Skull Swords with repeater crossbows would have a shoot of 7. Three models with a shoot value of 2, plus the repeaters shoot mod of +1. Applting the weapon shoot modifier to all models in a group would make repeaters insane (9 dice from 3 models), and spears dog shit (3 dice from 3 models).
2: Slaine is 16 Notoriety. Warped Slaine’s Notoriety of 9 is for scenario victory conditions that use a models notoriety value to determine vp’s. In regards to Slaine becoming warped the sensible option seems to be that it is a new model so therefore removes all injury, stun, and winded markers when replaced. This avoids the situation when Slaine with 3 markers can warp and instantly become a casualty as Warped’s Cool is only 3. Also as Warped only has a Cool of 3 it no longer contributes a Star Chip to the activation pool.
3: This has conflicting timings in the rule book. Personally I would count the bonus from charging as an extra hit result, but does not count towards Feats as was not a roll. Weapon Power is added during the Hurting step, unlike a shoot modifier that is applyed during the initial roll and has a seperate power modifier.
As an additionla note about conflicting rules. Theses are my opinion.
Ignore the Feat list on page 34-35 and use the rules printed on the cards instead.
Skull Swords are +1 Notoriety for repeater crossbows as the main rules, the weapon cost list, and the community article. Not +2 as the card states.
I’ll try to update this as I dive further into the rules.