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  • #188848

    Throwing my own ideas out there:

    1. Number one is definitely reorganisation of the book. Or just a good rules summary. There’s been some good advancements in clear rules writing over the past few years, would be great to see the rule book be tightened up as such.

    2. Give mg support teams additional pinning utility. Maybe by causing d3 pins when they score a hit, rather than just 1 pin.

    3. Reduce the range or give a -1 to hit to all enclosed vehicle mgs. Probably the latter.

    4. Team weapons could be split out:

    Squad support weapons (ie LMGs in squads) don’t need a loader identified, but an infantryman in the squad other than nco must give up his own firing, or else the support weapon is fired at -1 to hit. Makes things easier to keep track of and suits more people’s miniature collections.

    Platoon support weapon: could have an (x) amount to show minimum crew needed to make the weapon fire without a -1 to hit. So a howitzer could be (3), medium at gun (2), light at gun (2), mmg (2) etc.

    5. MMGs and maybe some other team weapons could come with an integral spotter. Ie, the ubiquitous chap with binoculars that often makes up the third team member on a base. While this guy is alive, the MMG may ignore the usual -1 to hit at over half range. Potentially you could instead flip the ‘to hit’ range modifiers, so they end up with a -1 to hit under half range and maybe a further -1 at point blank range but above half range hit on a 3+ base. Would reinforce that they are a cumbersome but stable support weapon.

    6. More reactions like in k47.

    7. Sniper toned down but still useful. Make it so they only cause exceptional damage on any damage roll of 6. Effectively they get to skip the normal thing of having to roll a further 6. Keeps them deadly but not guaranteed to take out a whole mmg team after one hit.

    8. As brought up elsewhere, split assault weapons different rules out.
    Have ‘self loading’ which allows you to advance without -1 to hit and ‘CQB’ or something that either gives the same benefit as tough fighters or instead lets you roll 2 damage dice for that soldier in an assault.

    9. Top tier Commanders could put extra order dice into the bag to help the odds of pulling out one of your dice to activate with. So captain could be +1 dice, major +2. Gives them some additional utility.

    10. It may be an option somewhere, but allowing light mortars to be taken in officer command groups. Would bump them over the small squad limit but give them a bit more to do on the table. It’s part of some armies doctrine that a platoons light mortar sits in the hq element directly under the platoon sergeant, so sort of makes sense too.

    11. Pistols, make it so they can shoot an assaulting unit even if within 6”, just adds a bit of interest to them.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Tc63.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Tc63.
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