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  • #188381

    Thanks for the info, really good stuff

    As far as building a platoon with the “guard” unit, how do i go about using them?

    Can they be a compulsary choice or are they an extra choice in the above platoon selectors?


    Thanks for the reply

    Along the same lines of setting up observers and snipers:

    “…Notice that if you dont have a specific setup zone, or a specific “half of the table”, they can be deployed anywhere on the table that is outside the enmy setup zone and more than 12″ away from the enemy” (pg131)

    Which scenarios does this  cover? Does “setup zone” include the phrase “table side”?

    For instance in “meeting engagement” you have a table side but no setup zone or half of the table, does that mean this statement applies?


    Your only real trouble is your loss of order dice

    if your opponent manages to kill the remaining inex dog handlers after they have fired and the jeep is now closer to the enemy, you loose 2 order dice.
    Also if you roll a 1, your jeep gets a new set of fury wings as the closest friendly vehicle

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Teafloy.

    So, in my example of firing at a MMG team.

    You roll 8 dice, you score 8 “hits” and place 1x 1″ tempate on the target unit and the rest, what, go wide?…….



    Soviet “tough tank hunter” rule

    Do they double there attacks against vehicles as per the Soviet rule book

    Or does the “tough” section refer to the “tough fighter” rule in the RB, therefore they get 1 attack, rolling an addition dice if they hit?


    Does a sniper suffer any modifiers when shooting at hidden troops.

    I take it No, as all hidden does is increase your cover value and the sniper ignores all cover modifiers?

    If so, quite harsh.


    Thanks Stuart.
    Viscous little thing then, but only 3 shots a game


    Quick question about the Soviet M-30 and heavy Katyusha.

    It states that they fire HE (3d6) rather than HE (2d6).
    Does that mean they also hit with a 4” template and +4 pen?


    In the Soviet army book theatre selections, the SU-76 is often an option

    But never the Su-76i.

    Can you use the Su-76i if a theatre selection says you can use the Su-76?

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