

  • No problem!

    It all really comes down to what your playstyle is though. I’ve heard of people who use MMGs, Medics, and Tiger 2’s because their goal is to have fun. Historically British airborne squads had 3 SMGs mixed with rifles, so if you do go that way it’s cool.

    In the end, there’s no right way to build a list, just some ways that are more…[Read more]

  • Also currently creating house rules for flamethrowers, the way the rules read it looks like you just get to overkill one guy per turn with it. (since each soldier is “one unit”)

    Sorry for the long winded reply but forgot to mention, LMGs are pretty meta in Firefight. The way they work (if you hit a unit, you can shoot at another unit within 6″…[Read more]

  • Yeah it’s a really fun skirmish themed way to play, and it takes like 5 minutes to learn.

    But one thing I noticed was that what makes Bolt Action so fun is the national theme that each army has, and the wide variety of troops to choose from. With Firefight there’s just less flavor, there are no national rules or special rules like tough fighters…[Read more]

  • looks dope! I haven’t played an official game yet so take this with a grain of salt, but what I’ve heard on this forum and from seasoned players is that mixing LMGs and SMGs isn’t that effective since they are a “long ranged suppressing weapon” and an “up close and personal fire on the move weapon” respectively. But if it looks cool, then go with it!

  • Hi all, me and my friend played “Firefight” the other day and loved it, the concept is amazing although the rules are clear as mud and officers and grenades are OP. For example:

    If you choose to activate an Officer then before you choose an action you have the opportunity to activate all the individuals within 12” with one command (pull the c…[Read more]

  • To revise my original statement, Iv’e also played a few games of Firefight! with cereal box houses, paper tokens, coins, and a handful of dice. It was quite fun. Although the rules for officers and grenades are a bit broken.

  • Yeah I dunno, I’ve played a few “mock up” games with my friend, and spent months reading the rules, but never played an official game. So  would not be well versed in rules like that.

    Yeah that’s smart. A HMG might be a points sink, but the threatening power alone might work as area denial.

  • Now that I think of it, I am definitely going to run the experimental warplane rules by him. It would be an easy way to get my army to 1000 points, and it sounds fun.

  • Yeah I was looking at that, artillery looks like a way better option even though it’s more expensive. I was considering Air observers because the US gets bonuses for them. I might just not run either to save myself the embarrassment of strafing my own troops.

    And my friend is pretty open to trying new things, I might try the experimental warplane rules.

  • Oh my word, you think they would reduce the points cost or something. But Iv’e heard that they can be a Death Star if they actually work like they’re supposed to.

    “so he can always double up as a ViP / downed pilot if the scenario requires one as I cant actually recall the last time I run him as an air observer….”

    That’s pretty smart! Sounds l…[Read more]

  • It’s amazing the lengths that wargamers go to when it comes to interpreting rules…

  • Don’t forget the old “fired my rifle in the air like a mortar over the wall” trick.

  • “But you can fire at a group of 8 men, 2 of whom are behind a 20′ tall solid wall, get 2 kills and your opponent can remove the 2 that you have no LOS to at all.”

    Guess your sniper has a gun with a curved barrel or something.  /s

  • “Very wise. Will save you from having to fill out all those “Friendly Fire Incident Forms.

    Lol, those are the worst. Very time consuming and embarrassing.

  • Hahaha yeah lol. Troops be like: ” sorry sir, we accidentally shot down our air support because it looked like a Stuka.” Commanding officer: “get some glasses! How does a P47 look like a Stuka you idiots!?”

    Yeah I see. Looks like for casual games it’ll be a good unit to include for the randomness and comedy.

    I think I’ll model a FAO, but if I…[Read more]

  • As a soon-to-be US player, if I choose to field a FAO for 75 points, I get the chance to drop 2 airstrikes.

    Is it worth it? On one hand, I want the make the most of the US’ national rules, to get the full experience. On the other, I might be setting myself up to get my own troops nuked twice.

    Note that this is for casual games only, AFAIK there…[Read more]

  • “Schreckwulfen riding in Hanomags idea is what got me into Konflikt 47 in the first place….”

    Now that’s gotta be a sight to see.

  • Ah gotcha, I think my current plan is to fit a M18 into my 500 point list as a cheap order dice and HE, but on my 750 and 1000 point lists where points is less of a concern then I’ll field a M20.

    I would fit a M20 in my 500 list, but it’s a little tight on points with 3 squads, (one of them vet) a vet sniper, and a heavy mortar.

    Yeah I’ve heard…[Read more]

  • Thanks Steve, that’s a good perspective. I figure on bringing a Chaffee in my 1000 point list, and 3D printing a heavy mortar. Also looking at the M20, which is basically a light howitzer as far as I can see. But it would be super easy to 3D print.

    Yeah didn’t think about the rotating rule, I’ll have to keep that in mind.

  • Sorry Stuart, that was a typo. meant to say “can’t move and fire”

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