Tim Haslam replied to the topic WoE still being played? in the forum Warlords of Erehwon 5 years ago
Yes we did have a tournament at Stockport, Element Games.
we didn’t get a massive turn out, but all enjoyed themselves, it was a relaxed friendly affair.
It would be nice if Warlord hosted a big one day event?
Tim Haslam replied to the topic What’s your base of choice in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Yes super glue can make acrylic go cloudy, plus if you have metal infantry you have to cut off all the base, which can be laborious.
i use 2p pieces mostly, and 1p for artillery crew.
this works well for plastic figures as it adds weight?
i am starting to switch to MDF though, plus you can get MDF movement trays which fit nicely.
Tim Haslam started the topic Korea, any interest? in the forum Bolt Action: Korea 5 years ago
I’ve come late to the party, but wondered if there is still any interest in this period?
Im a massive fan of BA and more than happy to keep playing this system, but I’m looking for some new painting projects, hence the interest in Korea. (Also WWI but not sure any official BA rules will become available for this)
I just haven’t the time to start…[Read more]
Tim Haslam replied to the topic KPA list and grumbles in the forum Bolt Action: Korea 5 years ago
I’ve just started looking at Korea,
I too fancied a KPA force to start with, then use my WWII US troops as proxy for a later Korean force to take them on.
i was looking at the starter deal, and also noticed NO selectors with LMG squads having 2 weapons??
also the starter deal gives you a medium and heavy machine gun teams, again not strictly a…[Read more]
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
heres me thinking that hole in the gun mantle was damage from a small calibre anti tank weapon!
well you learn something new every day! Thanks
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I think it’s probably a mix up on terminology here,
since the Stug doesn’t have a turret, then in theory the whole vehicle is a ‘hull’.
The MMG sits on the top of the hull next to the commanders cupola.
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Hungarian German tanks in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Ive done that with my Romanian force too! 2 X 38t tanks.
The trick is to not engage the better Soviet vehicles, but use your tanks in an anti infantry role.
Use panzershreck against the enemy armour.
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Hungarian German tanks in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I meant to mention the Csaba armoured car is a really cool looking model too!
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Hungarian German tanks in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Well it’s not really a deal breaker, I’ll be using the Panzer III’s as 5 shot mmg’s as they are both painted in identical Hungarian colours, I don’t want to confuse my opponents with that.
Besides, the rule I will be using on both tanks is the armoured command from the armoured car, as this effectively upgrades my regular panzers to veterans…[Read more]
Tim Haslam replied to the topic WoE still being played? in the forum Warlords of Erehwon 5 years ago
It’s a shame,
WoE is a great system and also captures all the old nostalgia of fantasy in the 1980’s
I’m my own worse enemy as I still refuse to do Facebook.
Id love to attend a big event, I’ve got Knights, Barbarians and Goblin forces ready to go….
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Hungarian German tanks in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I’ve just finished recently putting a Hungarian force together,
live taken the Csaba 40M armoured car, as this has the armoured command ability,
plus a Hungarian panzer III AND a German axis support Panzer III.
They are both painted in Hungarian colours, just to look different.
im pretty sure German supplied armour still benefits from the G…[Read more]
Tim Haslam started the topic WoE still being played? in the forum Warlords of Erehwon 5 years ago
Where are all the WoE players?
Do they use a different platform for conversation etc. Facebook for example?
Are there any WoE events in the UK planned in the future, assuming of course we come out of lockdown!
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Angle of impact in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hummm, I can see how that helps.
However, for some players it would only shift the argument to “where do you place the template”!
The front of some armour isn’t clearly defined in most cases.
I prefer to play where we just agree if it looks like a side impact, and if not roll a dice.
saying that, I do have a laser and a template in my army…[Read more] -
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Sturmtiger-list (new player) in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Yeah, mine sits on my shelf, one day!
Brumbar is a good compromise.
Thing is, late war armies always have a puma in the list, but again these are so cool.
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Sturmtiger-list (new player) in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
HA! Just what I did with my Germans in BA.
sturm tiger is a great model, and funnily enough I too used 2 of them in FoW!
take it to tournaments by all means, just don’t expect to win!
under V2 rules this thing can actually destroy buildings in a single shot, and completely remove any units in it!
you will find your opponents directing a lot o…[Read more]
Tim Haslam replied to the topic My Virus outbreak painting….Russians in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Nice, and good display cabinet.
Tim Haslam replied to the topic War Correspondent – German Sonderführer in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
It’s lovely, but maybe I’d use it as an objective!
Tim Haslam replied to the topic War Correspondent – German Sonderführer in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I didn’t even know there were special rules for this guy!
lovely artillery piece by the way!
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Help needed with army selections in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Playing historical opponents is way better than open tournament style play.
BA is a fun game, but it improves when you start to put historical context in there.
Just use forces that are historical and also figures and models you like the look of!
Tim Haslam replied to the topic Bolt Action Player Finder (UK) in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
No problem Jacob,
justin from the above post is another old bugger like me!
he’s based in Preston and I’m in north Manchester.
so you’re kind of in the middle!
im not sure if I’m allowed to post my email on here?
but feel free to contact me if it does work,
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