Daniel Flynn

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  • #152549
    Daniel Flynn

    Bolt Action newbie with a basic question. Couldn’t find the answer in the FAQs or the normal spots, but apologies if I missed something obvious!

    Basically, I want to know what takes precedence if there is a conflict in the rules?

    Example I’m facing is deciding the loadouts for my first US Airborne squads. I have three different sources (all apparently current), and they all disagree:

    According the the construction leaflet in the BA Starter Set, US Airborne squads can have up to 5 SMGs, 1 BAR, 2 LMGs.
    According to the second edition BA rule book: up to 5 SMGs, 2 BARs, 0 LMGs.
    According to the Armies of the US rule book: up to 3 SMGs, 0 BARs, 1 LMGs.

    Thanks in advance!

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