

  • Failing to form a square on our first attempt ever was very unlucky. But it’s going to happen, on average,  once in every 36 attempts. After that the infantry were destined to get chopped up. And they were.

  • They had failed to form a square (p.89 failed to form on a double 1). I was really asking if the artillery support was killed. Seems yes.


  • Just had this situation:

    Cavalry charged a line unit.  Alongside the line unit, to its left, was an artillery unit. I think this counts as supporting the infantry.

    The line unit did badly and their break test resulted in destruction.

    Supports have to do a break test if their friends are lost.  But in the case of artillery, looking at the c…[Read more]

  • Ah yes Al, I can see it now, I was looking for a Hit mod or something, but its on the Formation mod list: attack column 1 dice



  • What is the advantage of Line formation?  I can’t see any firing mods.  (I can see various Column advantages)


    Thank you in advance

  • SteveT started the topic Shaken timing in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hopefully someone can help me with this…

    Cavalry unit charges an infantry unit.

    1. Roll hard combat:  cavalry scored 7 hits on the stamina 4 infantry.

    2. Are they shaken at this point?

    3 They pass their break test well.  They are left with 3 casualty markers. What happens to the unit?  Destroyed or now shaken?




  • Just looking the the Austrians in Clash of Eagles.  Page 67 has a small chart to determine Personal Quality Value of commanders. It also references that this is used in conjunction with 94 of the main rule book.

    Problem:  this appears it might be a references to BP v.1.

    (1) So what, are Personal Quality Values?



    (2) How do we know what r…[Read more]

  • Yes of course in most cases it is better to use the main gun. Makes sense–it is the main gun!  But if you really NEED  suppression in some particular situations, then the MG will give you want you want.

    Remember also if your tank has any pins, then needing a 6s or 7s will rapidly become a reality. So again the MMG might be worth it.

    There are…[Read more]

  • As most main guns roll only one die, difficult shots that need, say,  a 6 or 7, are most likely to achieve nothing.  However, when are rolling 5 MG dice, you clearly have much higher chance of achieving something vs those hard-to-hit targets. And that pin may be all you need to shut the enemy down or even force a rout/morale c…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic SS Pioneers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    But all other SS units have the option of Fanatics, so I would think they would to?  Warlord even do figures for them, but their list is nowhere :p


  • SteveT replied to the topic SS Pioneers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    Pretty sure that’s not them as their entry says “Often overlooked in favour of the dashing panzers or elite Waffen-SS troops”.

    The SS Pioneers are mentioned in the Battle of the Bulge book.


  • SteveT started the topic SS Pioneers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    Chaps, where on earth are the listings for SS Pioneers?



  • SteveT started the topic Turret turn in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 12 months ago

    I’ve been playing that turreted vehicles do not get a -1 to hit for just rotating turrets and shooting(i.e. they’ve been given a Fire, not an Advance). Is this right?

    I’ve seen videos where -1 was applied.

    Not very related but I’ve seen videos where people apply 2 pins to a unit hit by an MG. But I cannot find a reference to it. Assuming a house…[Read more]

  • Guessing they use a device where the wheel holder is on a hinge, as with modern external wheel carriers.

    Only other thing I can think of is that it might server as extra protection for the driver, who can always get out the passenger side?


  • SteveT replied to the topic HQ unique? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Cheers Nat (again)

  • SteveT started the topic HQ unique? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Hello all,

    If I have a large force with say 2 platoons, can I but stuff in the HQ part of the army twice over?

    e.g.If I have 3 platoons could I have, in theory, a medic in each?

    Or is the HQ considered as being once per army?



  • SteveT started the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    If infantry shoot at, say, an open-top AFV, I assume the best they can achieve is a pin?

    How about a sniper vs an open-topped vehicle (of any kind)? Do they just kill the crew one at a time?

    I am not very clear on how Bolt Action handles these things.



  • SteveT replied to the topic Concord Sprue in the forum Beyond the Gates of Antares 4 years ago

    Thank you! Excellent!

  • Hello all,


    On the Concord plastic sprue are some things I cannot identify:

    On the lower right side are what look like heavy weapon pieces but they don’t seem to fit in hands.

    And more mysterious on the left is a thing with a semicircular antler-like…[Read more]

  • SteveT started the topic Tanks reaction fire in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    If a tank is assaulted by infantry, let’s say from more than 6″ away, does the tank always get to fire, even if it has fired already this turn?


    Thank you

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