

  • Having trouble figuring out the 2 body pieces and how they attach to the waist. However I do it, I get a sort of gap near the waist. Perplexing.

    Anyone else had problems or know of any detailed instructions?


  • I use the Warlord round ones for all team weapons as so far they all fit.

    For all artillery I use a consistent size as I like conformity in the game —6cm x 12cm MDF—  either bought as such or cut myself from long pieces from the art shop, works out very inexpensive indeed. The material seems to adhere well to metal (and all artillery I have is m…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Casulty Indicators in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah it was a confusion over team weapon crew losses vs artillery crew losses.  Wonder why they decided to treat them differently…



  • SteveT replied to the topic Casulty Indicators in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    I thought this would have a simple answer, until I checked the rulebook,  shooting section, taking damage:

    “If the target is a weapons team, for example a bazooka or medium machine gun team, then exceptional damage indicates that the weapon itself has been damaged or rendered inoperable in some fashion, so remove the weapon and its firer…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Remarkable answers on such a specific question, thank you!

  • SteveT started the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    According to Armies of Italy and the Axis the Sturmi STUG variant has a hull-mounted MMG (top page 53).  I cannot find any historical reference to this and also there doesn’t seem to be any place to glue on an MMG, even with some hacking about.

    Can’t find any errata that mention it either.



  • Yeah thanks Stuart, I thought that must be the case, otherwise the national “ability” would be pretty much a dud.



  • Hello,

    Hungarians can include a German tank.

    That would mean 2 tanks were possible in a single platoon in this case: 1 from the given Hungarian list + the German option?


  • SteveT started the topic Points system in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hello all,

    Thinking  of  getting into this game, for Napoleonic initially.

    (1) I’ve heard the rules are more toy soldier than historical? Is that overly critical? I don’t need too much detail but I like rules to be logical and reflect what went to reasonably.


    (2) does it have a points system? If not, are you just fighting the same scena…[Read more]

  • Michael, I live outside the UK and have placed several orders from various shops. The problem is not the companies posting them out but  the planes sitting on the runways, waiting until they fill up their cargo holds since so few planes are scheduled right now, so each flight has to count.

    I waited 3-4 weeks for my last order, and tracking said…[Read more]

  • Also, how about using 2 or even 3 platoons? Even with a 100o points you can make some interesting armies, with 2 smaller tanks or 3 snipers  or whatever you like.


  • I know what you mean, but there are several reasons why figures are sculpted this way:

    (1) easier to sculpt  (but advances in the digital process  should really have kicked more though…)

    (2) figures are more robust. They are game pieces.

    (3) not all humans are lithe Olympic runners. You could just as well ask where are the o…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Angle of impact in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hmm but what if the arc covers 2 sides?



  • Can an AT weapon be fired at infantry? If so , assuming an AT projectile is being fired from that weapon, do you roll to hit just one man and applying the penetration roll to the unfortunate soul?


    Thank you

  • SteveT started the topic Angle of impact in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Help again, sorry to bother you all with my rules questions. Hopefully others will benefit from your responses too.

    How do we know the angle of impact if a tank shoots another.  A current, for example, should perhaps hit the front or the side. Do we choose the best, and if so fo we choose the best angle for the shooter or defender?


  • Hello all….


    A self-propelled gun like a STUG. Is it really allowed a firing arc, since it has no pivoting ability at all?  If it is allowed, if it fires as part of an ambush are we supposed to rotate the model so the line reaches from the barrel to the target?



  • Knife or bayonet in scabbard, isn’t it ?

  • SteveT started the topic Dug In confusion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you I advance for clearing this up…

    As I understand it, Dug In gives an extra -2 cover?

    If you go Down whilst dug in, that’s -4?



  • SteveT started the topic HE vs buildings in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 3 months ago

    Got confused about this, so any help welcome.

    (1) stationary tank fires HE at troops in building. They don’t go Down. Tank hits on 3+. Right?

    (2) as above but troops go Down. A further -2 to hit ? And half hits.

    (3) as (1)  but troops go down after being hit. Half hits.

    Am I right ?


    Thanks in advance .