SteveT replied to the topic Flamethrowers and Buildings in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
I have asked Warlord. Will post their reply when it arrives.
SteveT replied to the topic Flamethrowers and Buildings in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
Same thing though, right? “used” could imply “Used successfully”. Otherwise future games are going to be a bonfire :p
SteveT replied to the topic Flamethrowers and Buildings in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
We sure about this? I assumed the wording actually meant “Shot at” as “successfully shot at” as in “hit”.
SteveT started the topic Moving artillery onto the table in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
I’ve seen several places where this question has been asked, all with different answers, so I suspect 1st Ed might have been different….
(1) Is there any differentiation between moving a heavy artillery vs a light artillery? I cannot find one in the rules.
(2) Can you issue an order for a Flak 88 or a Heavy howitzer to move itself?…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic Japanese native irregulars in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
OK, so you can get these from Warlord:
SteveT replied to the topic Japanese native irregulars in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
You are definitely talking about Bolt Action, not Samurais, right?
SteveT started the topic Flameproof tanks in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
A KV-1 has 10 armour. Flamethrower Pen is +3. So since it cannot be hurt, would a Regular crew have its 50% chance to ignore this low threat? (And veterans 100% chance). If yes, does that mean it skips the rout check normally forced by flamethrowers?
SteveT started the topic Timing of Going Down in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago
Does a unit have to say “Going Down” the moment say a tank fires at it. Or can it wait to see if the tank hits and then go down? I assume both are options depending on how much risk you want to take.
SteveT started the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago
New FAQ today has this about Stalingrad campaign. We had the same question, But the FAQ answer didn’t help.
“The special rule “Off-Map Battery” (on pages 137 & 138 of “Campaign: Stalingrad”) states, “Soviet players are not allowed
to take artillery units”. This in turn is seemingly contradicted
SteveT started the topic Not good in the forum Beyond the Gates of Antares 3 years, 12 months ago
Played our first game today. Was not good at all. Points system is bizarrely unbalanced, way too many fiddly random modifiers and non-random modifiers. Assaults rules are far too unwieldy.
Wish it had the elegant simplicity of Bolt Action that effectively conquers all these things with less mental processing.
I came, I saw, I said “No”.
SteveT started the topic Japanese dug in tank in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
From online rules:
Dug in – the vehicle counts as being in Hard Cover to attackers and counts immobilised damage results as crew stunned instead. The vehicle cannot move for the entire game and is therefore always set-up onto the table (up to 12” from the player’s table edge) even in scenarios that do not allow initial set-up of units…[Read more]
SteveT started the topic Ambush to Fire conversion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Rules say at end of turn, you have a 50% chance, if you wish to try it, of making a group with Ambush take a shot instead.
But in what order is this done?
We had 5 in Ambush and the order would have affected who shot what.
SteveT replied to the topic Flamethrower vs vehicle and Fubar question in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Flamethrowers get multiple hits vs vehicles?! Didn’t realise that.
SteveT started the topic First waves and reserve waves in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
This is questions that arose from an amphibious landing game, but applies to any situation with large transport units I suppose.
I have 2 landing craft each containing say 6 units.
First wave must consist of half my units, reserve wave then forming the other half.
I assume then I can only being 1 landing craft onto the map doing the first wave.…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic Squishy Landing Craft in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Thanks Master Chief. But it still seems that even a lone rifleman, as far as I can see, can take out a massive landing craft with a good shot. A boat so big that it can fit 36 passengers. This cannot be right?
This rule seals the deal brutally : “Remember that the superficial damage modifier only applies to armoured vehicles. Soft-skins suffer…[Read more]
SteveT started the topic Squishy Landing Craft in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago
Just checking I’ve got this right…
I can find Landing Craft in a couple of Campaign Books. They have armour 6, except the big mechanised ones that have 7.
Now, it strikes me that the Armour 6 ones are going to take a hammering from any AT guns/tanks, and even a riflemen could destroy it with a single shot. Unless such craft don’t get treated…[Read more]
SteveT started the topic Exceptional HE damage in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago
If exceptional damage is scored whilst rolling within a HE template….. must the casualty be taken from a man within that template?
How about normal hits? Could they be taken from outside the template?
Seems odd if “yes”
SteveT started the topic Afrika Korps Sd Kfz 233 armoured car in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago
The Western Desert shows a painted “Afrika Korps Sd Kfz 233 armoured car”. Yet I cannot find it on any of the Theatre selectors in the book…
SteveT started the topic The 1 inch rule in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago
I understand that any two friendly units cannot be closer than 1 inch to each other.
I can see why it was done to avoid confusing piles of figures. But do any of you ignore this rule, especially for when a commander is running alongside another group?
On a similar note, the already–much-discussed rule of 1 unit per building (floor) seems odd…[Read more]
SteveT started the topic Snap to Action chains in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago
I have multiple Leaders on the board.
Can I use a Snap to Action on a leader to send an order to another Leader, who in turn activates his own Snap to Action….and so on?
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