

  • SteveT replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    So… from one HE strike each soft-skin take only 1  hit  (and 1 roll maximum on the damage table)? I assume so otherwise this will be a massacre :p

  • SteveT started the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    This has probably been asked lots of times but I cannot seem to locate a definite answer for Rules v2.

    What if a soft skin  is hit by an AP shell? Just roll once on the vehicle damage table?

    What if a soft skin  is hit by an HE shell? Just roll once on the vehicle damage table with the HE pen modifier, or multiple hits needs a 6 to d…[Read more]

  • SteveT started the topic Exploding houses in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Rulebook says 10 damage of HE brings the house down.  (p.125)

    But the entry for Goliath in the German armies book specifically reminds us of the rules for a heavy howitzer bringing down a building on 12 damage.

    Anyone know why there is a disagreement?


  • SteveT replied to the topic Spotter movement in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks. It was actually the book’s paragraph about Indirect Fire that causes my confusion. Because in the case of a mortar the shooter has not moved, even though the spotter might have. Which suggests the spotter moves and the mortar just carries on firing shells at the last known target?


  • SteveT started the topic Spotter movement in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Mortar with Spotter.

    If I give the spotter some kind of move order, can the mortar move too?

    If I give the spotter some kind of move order, can the mortar keep up its indirect fire roll?



  • SteveT replied to the topic NCO as loaders in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Mmmm: is that specific to that unit I wonder,

  • SteveT replied to the topic NCO as loaders in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Thank you, a very rapid response!

  • Bunch of 10 green troops manage to pass a test to assault an enemy tank.

    Bunch of 10 veteran grenadiers manage to pass a test to assault an enemy tank.

    According to the rules, apart from the fact the vets would be more likely to pass an order test,   both are equally effective at the actual attack on the tank?



  • Reasonably sure I am doing this right but …

    A vehicle that has not been given no order this turn is assaulted by infantry who are under 6″ away. It cannot shoot in defence.  Does a vehicle with Recce have the same restriction? I think so.  The question arose as the recce vehicle was backed onto the table edge and had nowhere to run,


  • SteveT started the topic NCO as loaders in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    What do you all think? Could a squad’s NCO double up as a loader for a support weapon that is part of the squad?


    (Question arose when making SNLF Grenadiers. Wanted a compact 3 mortar group which needs 6 men of course, but would. it need a 7th for the NCO or could he just be a loader.)



  • SteveT replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    I see what you mean, but why would it have to end its move in a line? Perhaps the men at the back have more movement left and so they all end up in a blob across the road.

    I think the rules really don’t cover this without a load of interpretation.

    Odd I think, since this must be a common occurrence in people’s games?


  • SteveT replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yes, but lets say a more devious opponent can then string out his men in a line to avoid the HE template doing as much damage, whereas they started in a clump and intended to end in a clump.

  • SteveT started the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Group of infantry crosses the street. Artillery with HE  lying in wait.

    Infantry I assume are moved one at a time.

    At what point does the Artillery fire?  When it wants? And how about placing the HE template.



  • Jagdpanther vs Tiger 1: What am I missing?

    Costs are 390, and 395.  So just for the extra 5 point  you get a turreted version of the same gun.

    Feels like I’ve missed an Errata about it or something


  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    It is even more illogical ,in a sense, as men packed into a confined space should lose relatively more to their transport exploding. A solo Captain going along for the ride should have less chance of dying not more.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yes exactly, hence my example (B) which took  1d6 on each of 3 units:  2 of were solo leaders and would be pulverised! Seems very odd. Going for a  house rule of 1d6 hits on the passengers determined randomly.



  • (A) Halftrack containing 1 small squad

    (B) Halftrack containing 2 leaders and an AT-Rifle Team


    Both are destroyed.

    Passengers in (A) take dd6 hits…1d6 in total.

    Passengers in (B) take dd6 hits each….3d6 in total.

    Seems odd to me.


  • SteveT replied to the topic In and out in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hm. But that is really talking about adjoining buildings. Not running across a street into a new one. Right?

  • SteveT started the topic In and out in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    This question arose yesterday.

    Can an infantry unit leave a building and enter a different building (say across the street) in a single Run order?


  • Seems appropriate:

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