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  • #190271


    1. Reece platoon – look like a cheap infantry platoon ( 1 infantry unit minimum size as opposed to the normal 2). The  Recce ability being purchasable for all their transports might make it worth it

    2- yeah, they do all say Platoon Commander so you can pay what you want I suppose.  There are going to be loads of officers anyway, so I don’t think it’s a problem losing the independent high ranking officer – he will still be there just “officially” attached to a platoon. But unless they have changed the rules that makes no practical difference anyway, and can run and command where he pleases.

    3 lone tank. Yes, I wondered that, but a lone tank is something of an odd thing, right? So maybe this is slightly more authentic. If you want armour, it’s a significant investment. I am ok with this one.

    4 Flamethrowers. I think you will be seeing more…not fewer.

    5 Artillery Action. ha.  I wondered this too. Fielding 6 nebelwerfers will be easy… perhaps the new scenario generator will need more mobility?

    6. I don’t think you are being skeptical at all. Warlord are a figure manufacture who happen to produce rules occasionally. You can see already how these new platoons will tempt people into buying multiples of stuff. And why not, if it keeps the game going. I think they are a good bunch, and if anyone deserver my wargames cash, I think they do.

    As with you, I have no use at all for generic platoons (which is what these are albeit in modular form). I had personally hoped they had ditched the idea, and just had Theatres.






    Might be worth checking out (and even contacting) the chaps that run the SNAFU podcast. They focus on BA tournaments in your corner of the world. They also run their own. Very informative about the game in general too.



    You could consider another National Characteristic instead of  Rapid Fire as that needs lots of rifles and you are “rifle light”. Perhaps Vengeance?



    or the old “ricochet off the cigarette tin in my pocket” saved me but not the bloke behind me…



    “I think I’ll model a FAO, but if I don’t like using it then it’ll just get used as a mortar spotter or something.”

    Very wise. Will save you from having to  fill out all those Friendly Fire Incident Forms.



    The removal of casualties in this game is indeed confusing. When I started  this game, my thinking was naturally that I was taking out the ones I could see first.

    But you can fire at a group of  8 men, 2 of whom are behind a 20′ tall solid wall, get 2 kills and your opponent can remove the 2 that you have no LOS to at all.

    Even with exceptional hits, you can pick one that your shooter could not actually have seen.

    I know it’s for speed and I guess the rationalisation is that they are all jiggling about at various moments or suchlike.



    What Nat said.


    Under VEHICLES

    “…distances are measured to and/or from the closest point of the hull of the model itself”



    Under SHOOTING

    Measure the distance between each firing model and the closest visible enemy model in the target unit.”


    They  seem to use Target and Target Unit interchangeably, even in the same paragraph


    “…For example, a rifle can hit targets up to 24” away” and, later, “Every model that can draw a line of fire to at least one enemy model in the target unit shoots”.


    All above is just about range and hitting. For HE, if  you hit, then you can decide where to precisely place the template as per the guidance in the rules. i.e., its placement doesn’t affect the range.


    Well if you targeted a building that is 30cm  long, of which just 1cm of that building is within your minimum range, are you going to say it fails?




    Yeah,, I think the M20 is a much better choice, especially if you can get one printed. Can even use it in an anti-tank role. We found pinning tanks up is as good as taking them out most of the time. (Just to preempt the pedants, some vehicles get a chance to ignore pins, see under Vehicles and Pinning).





    The M18  is indeed very cheap, and a good way to sneak in an extra order die. But in a force that lacks HE (not a criticism, just a fact since you have limited figures and points), then I am not sure a 1″ burst is going to make much of an impact in any sense.

    [The med/heavy mortar and M18 all have “Fixed” meaning, amongst other things, they cannot move and fire with the same order. However, mortars are Indirect firers so don’t need to use Advance orders to rotate,   as they don’t have a facing.]



    As someone who has been playing against the US forces for years, I will list all their weaknesses here:

    — none.

    Your choice is fine.


    A wash is just a thinned out pigment (can be purpose bought or DIY) . Also known as an ink in some corners. These are brushed on generously so that the pigment settles into the crevices to form a natural shading.

    Your best bet is to search on YouTube  “Painting 28mm xyz” as there will be 999 people talking about painting very precise troop types and they normally give the paints they use.




    Hey LT Russell,

    I know what you mean about this new-fangled thing they call electricity. More trouble than it’s worth sometimes!

    (A) The missing monster truck. Part of the explanation, I  think, is that we have to be real here and consider Warlord as first and foremost a model figure business, so they naturally (and quite rightly) tend to promote stuff they supply.   I know this isn’t always the case.  But in game terms what do you think the Magirus should add that a standard truck doesn’t?  In their estimation, they might have judged the other trucks in the book do much the same job whilst hoping to sell you the German trucks they do sell.

    (B)  It is possible they judged that tank’s coax-MGs as being too cramped and ineffective, or had less ammo (I don’t know), or some other factor, so counted its effect as reduced? (i.e. roll as per one MMG) . They do occasionally downgrade weapons in certain cases. But yes it seems odd to only actually list a singular weapon.

    It is also possible their knowledge is inferior to yours. A lot of wargamers do know a lot of stuff about highly specialised areas, and it is unlikely the writer of that book was a truck expert and AA expert and , etc.

    On the matter of role, I just mean that just because a weapon exists and could be used a certain way,  the doctrine might have dictated how it was actually used. Or sometimes in reverse — I am thinking of German AA guns, not designed or intended for mowing down men but adapted for that new grim role. Hope you see what I am on about.

    As a German player (player of German forces) I agree that the Axis in general don’t quite match up to the Allies somehow. But it is the American armies I fear playing against, they are  just so dangerous. It is never an easy fight. A lot of British stuff is clunky.  There again, we only  play Theatre selectors/scenarios, with historical matched opposing nations. In tournament style generic platoons, then, who knows, as that reduces the game to something else entirely for me, and introduces too many random elements which people will inevitably find the best of.



    I think the best constructive criticism will come from  yourself and your opponent after Game 1.

    Personally, I might have avoided the medic, but I know you are going for theme, and it does at least give +1 order die and you do have an infantry heavy selection so maybe ok. And as mentioned earlier I  would have gone Heavy mortar over Medium (if an option), and definitely Reg with a spotter. They are terrifying, Possibly you could even ditch the LTs 2 assistants if it would pay for it. At least then he’d get the small team targeting bonus, but he’d better watch out for snipers.







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