Tom Mecredy

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  • #167158
    Tom Mecredy

    They’re JU-87Ds – as per the squadron box sold on the Warlord Games website.

    Target card is on the way.

    Tom Mecredy

    “Grenades: same characteristics as pistols as listed on page 62 of the Bolt Action rulebook.”

    It’s the exact same profile as a pistol – 6″ range, 1 shot, Assault special rule.

    Tom Mecredy

    Give the Mustangs strafing ordnance. Using strafing ordnance counts as a strafing attack.

    Tom Mecredy

    Ships get an additional -1 firepower reduction.

    In regard to sounding the alert, the check is made before any flak fire is resolved.

    Tom Mecredy

    Yep, exactly!

    Tom Mecredy

    The rule states that all activated figures must be given the same order as the officer in question and act simultaneously with the chosen action. In this case, resolve the assault as normal using the procedure in the main Bolt Action core rulebook, with the following exception – ignore the Loser is Destroyed portion of the combat flow.

    Ex: Rich decides to assault a lone German sniper, pinned down in the open by machinegun fire. He activates his NCO and uses a Group Order to activate two nearby riflemen. He issues a Run order to all three models to get them into close assault with the sniper.

    After moving into base contact with the sniper, Rich rolls three dice, one for each of the attacking models. By some miracle, he fails to score any hits. The German sniper retaliates and causes one casualty. Rich removes one of his riflemen and play continues.

    2. See above. Bolt Action treats fighting in buildings like manning a defensive position – both sides roll dice simultaneously.

    3. Hand grenades use a 1” template – as per the HE rules, they inflict a single hit against the target and an additional hit against all other models within 1” of the original target. Buildings can be targeted with hand grenades – it inflicts D3 hits against all models on the targeted floor, as per the normal HE rules. Shooting modifiers apply as per the normal shooting rules.

    4. Firefight is intended to be a narrative-driven experience, players are encouraged to create forces that fit their campaign or scenario. These are a set of experimental rules that were released early to support our campaign and allow us to have a bit of fun on our lunch. Try not to think too hard about balance and just have a bit of fun.

    Tom Mecredy

    Fantastic job, Marc! Great write-up with awesome pictures. I’d appreciate any feedback you’ve got on the scenarios!

    Tom Mecredy

    Hi guys,

    Sorry it’s taken so long to get these addressed, we’ve been a bit snowed under here at HQ!

    I’ve attached an updated copy of the scenario for you!

    Tom Mecredy

    1: You are correct in assuming that it’s a 3×3 table – due to the small forces, Firefight works better on smaller tables.

    2: See attached map.

    3: Replace the movement rules for the tank with the following: If an order dice is issued to the driver, the tank must use an Advance order to move. The tank may not fire any weapons after making this move.

    This should fix it rocketing across the table in 3x turns.

    Tom Mecredy

    Bf 109G Stats:
    Speed: 8 (397 MpH)
    Firepower: 2
    Agility: 2
    Traits: Great Dive & Great Climb

    All surviving RAF aircraft must escape the battlefield.

    Tom Mecredy

    Koin Koin is correct – all RAF planes must leave the battlefield via the opposite board edge!

    Tom Mecredy

    I think most of your problems stemmed from playing on a 4×4′ table – unless otherwise stated, all scenarios in the D-Day campaign are played on a 3×3′ due to the small numbers of troops involved!

    Tom Mecredy

    Absolutely correct, Matthew. Hand grenades use a 1″ template.

    Tom Mecredy

    Use the P-51 Mustang card included with the P-51 Mustang box.

    Pilot Skills are as follows:
    Luftwaffe Elements:
    – Element 1: Pilot Skill 4, Pilot Skill 3, Pilot Skill 3.
    – Element 2: Pilot Skill 4, Pilot Skill 3, Pilot Skill 3.

    RAF/FAA Elements:
    – Element 1: Pilot Skill 4, Pilot Skill 3, Pilot Skill 3.
    – Element 2: Pilot Skill 4, Pilot Skill 3, Pilot Skill 3.

    The card selection is intentional.

    Tom Mecredy

    For all target markers, I’d recommend using a poker chip or similar – if you want to sculpt something in 1/200, I’d love to see it. 😉

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