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  • #167430

    I had completely missed that.

    Oh wow.
    So an 11 pt Gaul warrior would have 4 attacks on the charge with +1 to hit, hopefully lethal 1, and still 1 parry from his sword. And his shield if he comes under missile fire. Those poor Romans…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Christoffer.

    I’m glad you’re discussing it, because I wondered about the exact same thing and it made no sense to me. In the same vein: some units can pay to downgrade from swords to short spears, nothings actually causes stun and to resolve a round of combat between 15 naked Gauls with a druid and 12 legionaries, you could end up rolling more than 150 dice.

    I’m not rejecting the historical argument, but these rules do not seem to be too focused on historical accuracy but more on fun and storytelling as you have 10 man phalanxes and testudoes and druids cursing heroes who have the chance to level up and get significantly better stats than minions.

    Perhaps the rules could have done with a bit more work.

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