Duncan McEwen


  • Hi all,

    Is there some place that people are compiling all the editing comments and errata questions for V3?  The rule book has quite a few editing issues from typos to incorrect picture captions.  I was hoping that maybe some fans were making a list to help Warlord out?  I also know there is one official Errata document so far, but I think th…[Read more]

  • Duncan McEwen replied to the topic New Book Quality in the forum Bolt Action 2 months ago

    I will agree that the new V3 rule book needs some more editing.  I am glad I got the digital version and I sincerely hope that Warlords puts some more time into correcting items before the next print run.

  • I like a lot of the ideas here.  however BA should try and stay a pretty fast game without having a ton of extra rolls and stuff.  That said, one thing I think would help a lot is adding artillery scatter.  It is just odd that a howitzer can miss and there is no handy explosion.  I am sure a one roll system could be worked out to not overly slo…[Read more]

  • Duncan McEwen became a registered member 3 years ago

  • Duncan McEwen changed their profile picture 3 years ago