Vetrarbreytin replied to the topic Hold Fast Supplement – Tease! in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago
Very great topic, thanks for gathering all the infos here ! Cheers, mates.
Vetrarbreytin replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
@Bob D “if you fundamentally believe the Spanish are misrepresented in the Black Seas rules, simply adjust them to your taste and enjoy the game! That is, after all, the whole and only point ” you are interpreting my words. I’m fine with the rules. Just a bit jaded by this constant Spanish-bashing -no one here denies its weaknesses from 1770 to…[Read more]
Vetrarbreytin replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
You’re arguing semantics ! Was there no ship involved in that siege ? Did any action take place on land ? Was it not a strategic AND a military victory ?
When you speak of war, how can you not take into account attrition, diseases, environment, topography, weather (specially about naval war ? Like don’t you care about wind, storm, swell, …[Read more]
Vetrarbreytin replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Spain was amongst the most powerful empires of those days. If you are lacking of “better” examples, have you ever heard of the battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741 ? One of the greatest victories ever made in the Age of Sail history. At the time of Black Seas, Spain was but a shadow of its former self but still can’t…[Read more]
Vetrarbreytin replied to the topic Rigging and bases in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Great results ! Thank you for sharing, it gives a lot of possibilities.</p>