vodkafan replied to the topic Epic ACW question about Cavalry and dismounted cavalry in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
From the info your post I inferred straight away that the disparity is as Big Al says- mounted units did shrink by a quarter when dismounted because 1 trooper in 4 had to hold the horses.
vodkafan replied to the topic Mamelukes? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
How about this range from Caliver Books?
vodkafan replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Thanks Nat! The 50% option seems attractive to me. Especially as in my Osprey books it tells me that LI were trained to fight with one half of the battalion skirmishing with the other half manoeuvring. That’s exactly what my unit of Perry figures looks like. It just seems wrong (from an aesthetic point of view) to base them all up on squ…[Read more]
vodkafan replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Would Light Infantry battalions use Mixed Formation as a matter of course? I know they were perfectly capable of all the normal formations, but I like the idea of them deploying a bit different to the Line battalions from the word go. I guess that would just be my choice of how I use them as a player. (I should mention I only just got the rules…[Read more]
vodkafan started the topic How to add photos in a post? in the forum General Discussion 3 years ago
I clicked on the little picture icon. The first compartment in the box comes up “source”. But I don’t know how to work it. I want to add a picture from my laptop. Can anyone tell me how?
Thanks in advance. I am dim with these things
vodkafan replied to the topic Basing Differences for Black Powder Napoleonics in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Nat that was a really useful table thank you.
vodkafan replied to the topic Basing Differences for Black Powder Napoleonics in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Thanks Big Al. That is encouraging.
I didn’t know that about figure count. (I haven’t got a copy of the rules yet). My pal told me that Standard units are 24 figures, Large units are 36 figures and Small units are 12 figures. Maybe that is something he has worked out as a standard for himself. I have been organising units working to that.
vodkafan changed their profile picture 3 years ago
vodkafan's profile was updated 3 years ago
vodkafan started the topic Basing Differences for Black Powder Napoleonics in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Hello all, this is my first post and very much a newbie question.
My pal has the rulebook (I presume it is BP2) and is creating a French Peninsular army. I have joined in to do the British and Portuguese.
He is basing his 4 figs on 40 x 40mm. (ie a 20mm frontage per figure) However, I had not really decided on a ruleset yet and wanted to leave…[Read more]
vodkafan became a registered member 3 years ago