

  • On a similar note, I can’t find anything that stating that you don’t just always start with all your land-based aircraft on the board… is there something I’ve missed, or are carriers just inefficient due to the turn limit?

  • Indy replied to the topic More rules questions! in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago

    Thanks for your replies. Not sure how I missed that. A glossary reference would be great, but I guess that got missed.

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply have ship types listed as either Military or Civilian then? Given that all the rules for Carriers are based off the trait, not the ship’s type, wouldn’t it make sense to do that for the other…[Read more]

  • Indy started the topic More rules questions! in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago

    Seems that this is a popular topic…

    Are there rules regarding ship types hidden in the rule book that I can’t find? There’s reference in the ship lists to certain ships “taking damage as civilian-type” but I can’t find anything in the damage rules that talks about certain ship types taking damage any differently from others. The only rule that…[Read more]

  • Indy became a registered member 4 years ago

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