Wayne M


  • That is good to know.  I was probably going to use Perry mainly but field units of 24 so I get more figures for additional units, and supplement with the individual sprues Warlord sells to bulk them out 🙂

  • Thanks, that is helpful! 🙂 I am trying to keep things as standard as possible but I also want to maintain something resembling historical accuracy so I am trying to decide if I want 4 bases of 6 or go with the “normal” 6 bases of 4 and have leftover; I guess it depends on if I want to have 1 base = 1 company or not.

  • So this is a rather silly rules question and there may not be an actual answer but… I am a newbie to BP so I’m looking at following the recommended frontages (doing Napoleonics) for Standard/Small/Large units.  What about the frontages that fall in between the ranges?

    For example, Small is listed as 120mm – 150mm and Standard is 200mm -…[Read more]