Wayne M

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  • #182530
    Wayne M

    That is good to know.  I was probably going to use Perry mainly but field units of 24 so I get more figures for additional units, and supplement with the individual sprues Warlord sells to bulk them out 🙂

    I am still unsure if I want 6×4 or 4×6 though and I’m giving that thought.  Technically one company to a stand and 4 stands is more accurate but makes maneuvering into some formations harder than with 6 stands (e.g. Attack Column versus March Column or whatnot) so for ease of play I’m leaning towards 6×4.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Wayne M.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Wayne M.
    Wayne M

    Thanks, that is helpful! 🙂 I am trying to keep things as standard as possible but I also want to maintain something resembling historical accuracy so I am trying to decide if I want 4 bases of 6 or go with the “normal” 6 bases of 4; I guess it depends on if I want to have 1 base = 1 company or not.  I have heard either this is a good thing or bad because it can interfere with the different formations to have less than 6 bases for a normal unit

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Wayne M.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Wayne M.
    Wayne M

    So this is a rather silly rules question and there may not be an actual answer but… I am a newbie to BP so I’m looking at following the recommended frontages (doing Napoleonics) for Standard/Small/Large units.  What about the frontages that fall in between the ranges?

    For example, Small is listed as 120mm – 150mm and Standard is 200mm – 250mm.  What about say 180mm?  Is that considered Standard even though it’s above Small and below Standard (I would think so as it’s clearly not Small nor Large)?  Basically, as a total newbie, I am trying to think of how to base my units; I want to do Russians around 1812-1814 and I am not sure if I want to use 24 figures in 4 stands of 6 (as Russian infantry regiments had 4 companies per battalion so each stand would represent a company) or 32 figures in 4 stands of 4 figures, 2 stands deep (2 stands to a company; this seems to be how the Warlord figures are arranged in the photos but seems odd and no other figures seem to do this).  My dilemma arises from the fact if I want to go with the former I would be using 45mm or perhaps 50mm bases to allow for 6 figures (40mm seems a bit small for 3 wide), and using 45mm would give a unit frontage of 180mm (45mm per base x 4 bases) which falls outside the boundaries of frontages as suggested in the Black Powder rulebook!

    Apologies for the very newbish question, I am new to historical gaming and it’s very unlike the games I am familiar with! 🙂

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