L.T. Russell

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  • #190246
    L.T. Russell

    Howdy Aidan!  The serious Bolt Action players here go to the Las Vegas Open every year.  There’re also tournaments in Salt Lake City, at a store called Gajo Games….

    L.T. Russell

    I would if/when I play the US….

    L.T. Russell

    Howdy wAbout!  Yeah, I gotta agree with you.  I did a little research.  The US M45 Quadmount weighs approximately 2400 lbs.  Maybe a little more depending on which trailer it’s mounted on.  The US M1 37mm AA gun weighs approximately 6130 lbs. and is considered a medium AA gun in Bolt Action.  The US M1A1 90mm gun weighs approximately 19000 lbs. and is considered a heavy AA gun in Bolt Action.  So using a little common sense, I’d say that the errata is wrong, that a gun system that weighs less than half of a medium AA gun is a light AA gun, and that pretty much any US “tow” vehicle, except for a Jeep, should be able to pull it….

    L.T. Russell

    Aidan, another option for your American army would be Korean War.  They used basically the same uniforms, equipment, vehicles as later war WWII.  Ya just gotta mind a Korean and/or Chinese opponent….

    L.T. Russell

    Nah, don’t think that Aidan.  Every army has its strengths and weaknesses.  Work with your Americans.  Try different stuff.  Get ahold of the Armies of the United States book and look for things that catch your eye.  I just picked up a 3D print of a US M15 halftrack.  It’s a self-propelled AA platform, with a heavy autocannon linked with two HMGs.  A LOT of firepower, with the potential to take on anything up to a medium tank (from the side, or with some luck!).  Some of the serious Bolt Action aficionados in our group have all kinds of armies.  They spend a lot of money too!  Some of us are basically one-trick ponies.  I like that I can use Bolt Action stuff with Konflikt 47 too….

    L.T. Russell

    Thanks for the word Nat!  I’m here waiting for V3.  “barr neich”?

    L.T. Russell

    Yeah, a Veteran German HQ unit with either SMGs or STGs can be a real help when things get dicey….

    “Dicey”, a gaming pun….


    L.T. Russell

    Howdy Aidan!

    The big German armored cars; Sdkfz 231 6-rads and 8-rads, Sdkfz 234/1/2 and 3 all have a special ability called “Dual Directional Steering”.  They have a driver facing both forwards AND backwards in the vehicle, with dual controls.  So if they have to recce out of trouble, they get a full movement in reverse….

    Ursus infantry are a unit from Konflikt 47.  Basically a genetic experiment manipulating/combining human and bear DNA.  They are close assault MONSTERS, with special abilities like; Strong, Tooth and Claw, Tough, Resilient, Horror.  They are HARD to kill and led me to my love affair with automatic AA cannons….

    AT grenades generically represent a number of countries different purpose-made and field expedient munitions for close-assaulting vehicles.  Kinda includes everything from magnetic shape charges, Molotov cocktails, magnetic AT mines, that German grenade thing with 6-7 extra grenade heads strapped around one Potato Masher, etc, etc.  During our Konflikt 47 league, the final scenario involved a bad guy with super Ursus infantry as body guards.  They had an armor rating of 7, like light armored vehicles.  I argued that my Panzer Zestorer unit should be able to use their AT grenades against these monsters, since they’re armored like a vehicle.  Our Rules Lawyer said no, since it’s not covered in the rules.  I counter-argued that the super Ursus aren’t covered in the rules either….but it was his scenario, so his rules.  I lost.  The Zestorer unit blew 3 of them up with their Panzerschrecks, then got torn apart in close combat.  I finally got the other 3 with a Flammespinne light Panzermech, that carries a flamethrower….

    L.T. Russell

    Howdy Gents, THANKS for your replies!

    Stuart, Aidan, thanks for the info!  Between the multiple campaign books, Armies of books, Version 1, 2 and now 3, errata, etc, etc, I worry that Bolt Action is becoming like Warhammer….ya gotta buy half a dozen $50 rulebooks just to play a basic game….

    Steven T, I hear ya!  The number one way to keep yer vehicle from getting stolen, have a stick shift.  Back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and I was young, an automatic transmission would cost you an extra thousand dollars….

    (A) I’m an American, I want options.  Every Army has a listing for the standard medium truck, that holds 12 men, and maybe has an option for an MG.  Does any other country have a listing for a STANDARD heavy truck (not a “monster” truck), that would/could carry 24 men, tow a larger gun, etc. besides the Americans?  I KNOW for a fact the British and Germans have/had them.  It would definitely make a difference in Konflikt 47, where ya might wanna transport “Large” infantry or a buncha Totenkorps.  I have a standard Opel Blitz medium truck, a Maultier tracked medium truck, Horch heavy cars, Kubel light cars, etc, heck I’ve even got an Opel Blitz medium truck with an armored cab and a 37mm AA gun in the bed.  I’ll buy a heavy truck if they’ll sell me one….

    (B) I’m pretty sure that in the later model Panzer IIIs the 2nd coax was removed to provide room for the larger 50mm main guns and thicker gun mantlet armor, as the Panzer assumed more of the role of medium tank vs infantry support….

    I prefer to think it’s just an oversight in the minutiae of detail, but it does bother me a little that someone doing this for money seems to know less than I do.  I freely admit that I’ve been studying WWII German militaria for something like 50+ years now and am arguing about somewhat picky details.  It is always easier to come along afterwards and sharpshoot.  Then again, errors just seem to stick out to me.  I specifically will cite the Images of War books by Ian Baxter, which usually contain at least a half dozen mislabeled photographs.  What can I say.  I’ve studied WWII for 50+years, I’ve been in the military for 21+years, I’ve carried guns for money for 47+years….

    Doctrine works great in training during peacetime.  In a real shootin’ war, the experienced survivors use whatever works best.  The German 88 is probably the prime example; AA gun, AT gun, medium artillery piece.  I’m presently in love with automatic AA guns, mostly for the multiple shots.  My dice roles usually suck, so I want as many chances as possible….

    Yeah, there’s a BIG difference between historical gamers and tournament competitors.  Much as I hate to say it, there seems to be an underlying bias by the British company, for the British units.  The group I game with refer to it as the “Cheaty British”….except for the one guy who plays Brits….


    L.T. Russell

    Another consideration;  “Small Unit” defensive adjustment.  The medic, even with one helper is a “Small” unit.  Same with your LT, of whatever kind, with only one assistant.  Gets you an extra defensive bonus….

    L.T. Russell

    Hahaha!  Nah, it usually ends up being stuff like me thinking outside the box and wanting to know why I CAN’T use antitank grenades against Russian Ursus infantry or that NO, his Chaffee doesn’t get a full backwards recce move ’cause it doesn’t have two drivers, like the big German 8-wheeled armored cars.  I advocate common sense and reality, he’s only about what rules are in the book.  A classic argument and the classic description of a “Rules Lawyer”.  Kinda like a “Barracks Lawyer” in the military….

    L.T. Russell

    Our group’s Rules Lawyer IS an actual lawyer.  He quibbles about the rules a LOT….

    L.T. Russell

    I’ve also picked up a 3D print of a KV1 up-gunned with a German 75 and an M3 Scout Car with MG34s instead of Browning .30 cals.  These are for a Brandenburger unit to use….

    L.T. Russell

    Howdy Steve T!

    These points become “moot” IF someone notices and does something about it….

    The Army Builder app does me no good.  I’m a low-tech old guy with a dumb flip-phone.  I’ve bought the Army books and the Campaign books.  I build my units with pencil and paper….

    A)  I’m not asking about anything one-off/obscure/experimental.  I’m asking why there’s no listing for the standard German heavy truck.

    B)  When I mention the early models of the Panzer III, there are ALREADY two listings in Armies of Germany and they’re both wrong.  Again, this is not an obscure vehicle, the Panzer III is one of the German army’s standard medium tanks, at least for the 1st half on the war.  I don’t remember if this is addressed in the errata.  I don’t know if it’s addressed in the Army Builder or one of the campaign books.  I’m guessing not though.  I’m hoping if I point it out, someone will notice….

    “Also I think the designers take the view that just because vehicle A has weapon X it doesn’t mean it was used in the same role. as another vehicle with the same weapon.”  Huh?  Can you illustrate this point a little more clearly?

    Personally, I think the designers always shade things in favor of the British, usually at the expense of the Germans.  Some of the world-class Bolt Action players in our group have noticed that playing a British/Indian army gets you an extra 200+ free points in your army build.  A 200 point advantage can be a little hard to overcome.  Yet a German national advantage, like “Tiger Fear”, ends up so neutered that it’s pretty much worthless….


    L.T. Russell

    Our gaming group’s Rules Lawyer is in love with Chaffees, specifically for the recce ability.  You could definitely do worse….

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