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  • #183853

    Late war French were equipped by the US. Just use Americans and add a smattering of early war French in for units who had not been reequipped. for my FFL I just used large war US and popped on some heads with kepi from Mad Robot.


    You may be overthinking it. A soldier with an SMG has an SMG on the mini. Same with any other soldier. Once you start playing, its pretty easy to tell an STG44 from a Kar98 on the tabletop. And usually before a game starts we will give each other a copy of our army list so there is no question.

    Same with LMGs and such. Itll be visible for anyone to see on the miniature. All your guys will likely be in uniform so they will look similar already and since the game is WYSIWYG just glue on what they are carrying.


    Customizing figs is half the fun. And for the rules it doesn’t have any impact really. If I give a few of my American GIs some captured German weapons it adds some fun flavor to my unit. And since the rules have generic stats for weapon types it doesnt change anything. And Warlord gives you so many little bits and pieces to help make each figure unique. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that.


    That’s just it, it doesn’t make sense. Not sure if it is a typo or just my group is just not getting what they are saying.


    Which would make sense if it was talking about the whole, or majority, of the unit in dense terrain, not touching the edge, and firing out. The book specifically says less than half the unit is in dense terrain, not touching the edge, and firing out. If modifiers are applied to the unit as a whole, then why is the modifier being applied when less than half are in the dense terrain.


    This is for the section on Shooting from Cover. Not cover for the unit receiving fire. The rule book says that a unit with less than half of the unit in dense terrain, and not touching the edge, their shots will be affected by the cover modifier.


    The example it gives is that less than 5o% of the unit are in the dense terrain. So how does the terrain modifier apply if less than half the unit is in the dense terrain? Doesn’t cover modifier apply to the unit as a whole? And the rule book doesn’t say who “their shots” applies to. The models in the dense terrain or the whole unit.

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