Michael Moran

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  • #181206
    Michael Moran

    Hello George


    I’ve been slowly building up some Marlburian forces for the past year, since returning to the hobby after several decades.  I my case I’ve been concentrating on French forces circa 1707 with, so far, three battalions of the Irish Brigade (5 more regiments to go) and two French battalions.  My battalions have 32 figures in them as I’m not using any particular set of rules to base them on, I just think that that number of figures looks right.

    I’ve found out that you have to dig around a lot for on-line info about the armies of that time and there’s often conflicting information.  I recommend having a look at the following: http://www.leadadventureforum.com , http://www.thewargameswebsite.com, http://www.leagueofaugsburg.blogspot.com , http://www.warsof louisxiv.blogspot.com .  I’ve also found some extremely useful information on Pinterest too, much to my initial surprise (there is a good batch of information there on the Bavarians I’ve found)

    From what little I know, where regiments were composed of more than one battalion, the first battalion carried the king’s (or appropriate) colour, and the other would have a regimental colour each.  How often all three battalions were in action together I don’t know.

    Luckily for me, the French and their Irish regiments didn’t seem to distinguish their grenadier companies so much, unlike other nations. I believe the grenadiers would take up position on the right of the line, so if you want to include them in your battalion that’s the place to put them.  No reason not to brigade the individual grenadier companies together for specific tasks I think.

    I hope some of that helps

    Best wishes


    Michael Moran

    Hello there

    I’m a late returner to wargaming in the Newbury, Berkshire area, having last played Napoleonics in the 1980s (Minifigs French & Austrian).

    I’m giving Marlburian a go now as I like the look of the linear tactics and am slowly (mainly because of age and more dodgy eyesight) building some forces. I prefer the regiments to be more substantial than the 24 figures provided in the Warlord boxes. I’m aiming to complete the Irish Brigade c1707; fortunately their uniforms at this scale are similar to the English regiments. I like Warlord’s models although I’d prefer more options in the figures available.

    Haven’t got around to any playing yet, enjoying the painting at the moment.

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