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I’am not sure to understand you. (english is not my first language). The rules state :
It takes a unit one move to change from one formation to another” (P.33)
2 Examples to be clear:
1/ Assume a unit (in Line) is in open ground and want to move into a wood (3″away). The roll order is equal the command rating (Only 1 Move), so, if i understand, it can move directly in Woods (in Line Formation) and stop. Next turn (if it will not disordered later in the turn) it must change formation to Skirmish ?
2/ Assume a unit (in Skirmish) is in Wood and want to exit the wood. The roll order is equal the command rating (So, 1 Move). It exit the woods in Skirmish and then remain in this formation until next turn. Assume it is Disordrer by a enemy firing later in the turn. It remain in skirmish for one more turn no ?