Reply To: Conventions, Tournaments, Themed Events, Demos

Home Forums Science Fiction & Fantasy Beyond the Gates of Antares Conventions, Tournaments, Themed Events, Demos Reply To: Conventions, Tournaments, Themed Events, Demos

Jan Rudolph

Good Day Fellows,

just want to present you my Gaming Days in Coburg, Germany.
Each first Saturday per Month will be an Gaming/Demo Day for Beyond the Gates of Antares. Loan forces are available and every participant gets a free model.

Antares in Coburg

Just write me a week ahead what you like to do and I will arrange it. All events are also linked in the Facebook page of the IMTel group and the Jenseits der Tore von Antares group.

In addition to that. A great event will happen in September this year. At Seetroll I’ll host a Gaming-Day with a large 4-player game in the evening. First Contact! Try to catch the Virai NuFirst and secure thier data core.

Antares Spiel-Tag Konstanz

Or just come over and have a chat. The 4-player event has limited space just write me a PM or contact me over Facebook. Early birds may choose their free model.

If there is any question left feel free to ask.

See you soon
