Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.


“…all of the models in the enemy unit are behind a piece of dense terrain (and not in it) – so that the line of sight from all firing models to all target models is drawn through the dense terrain, then the target is considered impossible to see. If any of the enemy models are inside the dense terrain, then the target is visible, but counts as in cover…”

The key word is ANY. If any of the enemy models are in the dense terrain (or outside of it) the unit (NOT just the one model) can be targeted. In order to not be targeted ALL of the models of the unit must be behind the dense terrain.

Maybe this paragraph under Taking Casualties can help you better understand their reasoning behind this rule:

“Note that casualties can be taken from any models in the target unit, including models that are
completely out of sight and out of range of the enemy weapons – think of it as a dynamic situation, where
soldiers are moving around and bullets of course travel further than optimum range and often punch through
or ricochet off cover.”

Hope this helps!