Reply To: Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list Reply To: Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list

Stuart Harrison

From the FAQ:
“New Units
These books occasionally introduce new units without the
accompanying text explaining in which selectors they can
be used.
As a general guidance in these cases, unless the rules in the unit’s
entry say otherwise, new units in these books are limited to use
for scenarios and selectors from that book only. Unless of course
you get opponent approval, or Tournament Organizers’ approval. ”

Note, it states units, not just infantry and/or artillery units.

Re: ‘I don’t think I’ve seen any Theater books state for vehicles to have the required statement “can take a vehicle/tank slot in a generic platoon”.’, I’ve just had a flick through the first theatre book, Ostfront, and p49 has multiple vehicles with the ‘…is an anti-aircraft vehicle for the purposes of the generic Reinforced Platoon selector from the Bolt Action rulebook’ or words to that effect.

You’d have to ask the individual authors for their reasons for not including that text.