Reply To: Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list Reply To: Is the Steyr ADZG M35 Armor Car authorized for German Generic Reinforced list

HellRaiser 7

Thanks for the post Stuart. I run several tournaments and events a year which  I’ve always enforced the rule if the book doesn’t say that a unit can take a certain slot of the Generic List, I don’t allow it. (Friendly 1vs1 game I wouldn’t care). I was pretty sure Stuart the answer you gave was the one I’d get back as being the right one. While I was researching all of this, I couldn’t remember seeing the required statement on any vehicles (yes I know vehicles are units).So out of curiosity I looked through a few theater books and I only saw the generic statement used on infantry, weapons, crews, dismounted, etc. but not on vehicles. I was asking cause didn’t find it used any on vehicles , but then again I also didn’t look through all 3,000 pages of theaters books (Lol, 🤪) By the way, Isn’t all the theater books put together around 3,000 or more pages. In the time Bolt Action has been around that’s amazing Warlord Games has written & published that many books.  I tell players my goal is to play every BA scenarios at least once before they drape the flag over me, but I don’t think I’ll meet that goal.
Also , while expecting to not be able to use the M35 in tournament, it’s not a big deal as I’m almost done with my Partisan Army, my Bulgarian Army to go after them, and the M35 will still get plenty of usage as it was originally bought just to use in my upcoming partisans event I’ll run in 2o24. (Plus it’s such a cool killer looking vehicle,) I love having out on the table  unique units & vehicles.
Down the road , I would like to the M35 Armored car in the generic category, while not a whole lot were made, they were used in a lot of different  countries and it’s not going to tip the scales of any game.
Last while on the Subject, I hope in Bolt Action V3, the categories of Tanks and Armored cars (which in some cases contradict each other) is fine tuned a little bit. You have Sdfzk 234/4 with a huge tank killing gun in Armorcar category, but there’s a car with a single AutoCannon in the Tank Category. That’s not me just suggesting, I would definitely say that revamping of Tank & Armoredcar categories in V3 is on the top 3 issues all the gamers I talk to bring up.
Thanks Again , everyone have a wonderful weekend, happy gaming and may all your miniatures stay on the table and not on the floor! Ed🤘😎