Reply To: Spotters

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Spotters Reply To: Spotters

HellRaiser 7

I think you’re misreading it. And you left out a key sentence following the statement the crew sees what’s he sees. The next sentence explains the spotter is enabling the crew to see a target that is invisible to them . If the spotter is pinned down by machinegun fire (for example), how can he relay coordinates and direct fire if he has a pin? So if the spotter has a pin on him (someone shot at him, hit the spotter, but didn’t kill/wound him, he receives a pin) if you use the spotter for a target that is invisible to the weapon, first you have to take an order check on the spotter if he has a pin (not talking about if the weapon/crew has a pin, we’re talking the spotter has a pin) . The rules state the weapon crew and the spotter share the same order dice. Just like if you want to move the spotter, and he has a pin, you have to do an order check on the spotter which whether it passes or fails the order check, the weapon can’t be used cause the spotter and weapon share the same order dice.