Reply To: V3, Italian army special rule in Meeting Engagement – rules conflict

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action V3, Italian army special rule in Meeting Engagement – rules conflict Reply To: V3, Italian army special rule in Meeting Engagement – rules conflict

Stuart Harrison

Not a new issue.  Similar situation in second edition, here’s the guidance from that (which should have been added to the scenario…)

“If I play with an Italian army in a attacker-defender scenario, the
enemy can’t do a Run order in the first turn if the Italian is the
defender. Can an artillery unit move onto the board in the first turn
if it is in the first wave (it only can move with a run order)? And a
fixed weapon (it only can move with a run order)?

By a strict application of the rules, those units would not be able
to enter the game, so you must leave them in Reserve instead,
even in scenarios that do not allow reserves.”

If you have that many ‘fixed’ units, you’re going to end up with most of your army in reserve in those scenarios.