1:72 speculation!

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies 1:72 speculation!


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    Just saw that BRS 1:72 is scheduled for this summer! Im super stoked to see what they make of it! Loving the move to bigger models, cant wait to get back into the childhood joy of building model airplanes! but how will it fit the table, and how many planes will it utilise?
    And will the rules stay similar or move to something completely new!?

    Is anything known so far?


    I’m almost ready to play a 1/72 game and plan to put on a couple of games at Little Wars. I have 6 Spitfires and a Hurricane painted, adding decals as we speak. I have 4 109s that just need finishing touches with 4 more under construction. I’ve had bases made for them. I plan to just use 1.5 times the ranges to begin with and plan to play on a 6’x8′ surface (it’s what I have).

    Bob D

    Where is the news about this?

    I appreciate that every plane under the sun is available in 1/72, but I really hope that Warlord are not going to discontinue their line of aircraft as I really like them, and have no appetite to start building 1/72 planes for this system. In any case I would have thought going to a larger scale would lose that ‘mass’ effect, which is what drew me into the game in the first place.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Bob D.

    Andy Chambers mentioned it in the WI interview, and on the facebook page theres a picture stating that BRS 1/72 is arriving this summer!

    1/72 is too large to have more than maybe 2 planes per side at a 6×4 table so im assuming, or hoping, that its a more complex and detailed ruleset intended for those single or 2v2 dogfights.

    I still think ill prefer the current BRS and scale but I cant deny it will be awesome to see the bigger planes on a table!

    Cat Shot One

    Bob D, to my understanding this is just going to be a adaption of the rules for Airfix, “sold separately” as they say.
    I don’t think that we will see a complete shift to that scale and the end of the world as we know it.
    (Also, Warlord Games is not a 1:72 kit manufacturer.)

    Steven Gusky

    Hi guys
    I’ve been playing with 1/72 scale close to 30 years now and can’t wait to try it for Blood Red Skies
    If anybody is in the Cleveland or Columbus Ohio area and want to push airplanes around, let me know



    I’m in Chicago, Steven. If you plan to come to Little Wars I’ll be running some games with my 1/72 planes.

    Steven Gusky

    Are you going to run Blood Red Skies or something else ?


    Blood Red Skies. I *think* there will be 8 109s, half a dozen Spitfires, and three Hurricanes.

    Steven Gusky

    That sounds great
    I’ll see what I can do

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