1809 French

Home Forums Historical Black Powder 1809 French

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Nat.
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  • #179434

    Hi , I’m new to Black Powder but not to Napoleonic gaming, I’m looking to build an infantry division of the normal 6 company battalion structure: 1 grenadier company, 1 voltigeur company and 4 centre companies. I looking at getting the French peninsular starter army, is the army set sprues the same as the single battalion box? In that case their will not be enough figures with epaulettes and plumes on their shakos.

    Any advise on starting french infantry is much appreciated.




    Warlord late war Battalions are 24 single piece models, with pack and heads separate  8 which had epaulettes.  There are multiple different Shakos


    Thanks Nat, I was more into earlier period, not a fan the the covered shakos and great coats. I’ll order a army starter peninsular and see what come. I wish I could afford a whole 28mm metal army like my 25mm I collected 30 years ago 🙂


    sorry only seem to have posted half of what I was going to say!


    The extrapulation (as I dont have the peninuslar box either) is that they are made to fit WLs rules… that is a battalion of 24 models with 4 grenadiers, 4 voltiguers and a command group as thats what the pictures on the store show (which seem to be pretty accurate)

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