75th Anniversary of D-Day

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action 75th Anniversary of D-Day

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  • #161675
    Eric Fontaine

    Hello all!

    I was just interested in finding out how many of you will be participating in the 75th Anniversary of D-Day Campaign online. It will consist of Bolt Action, Cruel Seas and Blood Red Skies!

    Will you be participating? Have you joined the Facebook group just for it yet? Or are you just following the newsletters until the invasion begins?

    Charles Sherrange

    I plan on participating in the game.

    Rex Withers

    YES very keen 🙂 , we will be posting the prep and games we play on our gaming blog here: https://www.valhallagames.net


    I play Russians…….

    Can we get a last days of the Reich campaign done Feb – April next year? Or maybe a Setting of the Sun? the end of the war in the far East (July – August)

    edit – I will how ever be taking part and helping out where needed when our club does a WW2 wargames day on the 8th June (proceeds going to Models for Heros charity)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Nat.
    Rex Withers

    … sorry yes have joined the facebook page

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