80th Anniversary Battle of Britain Campaign – Phase 1

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    Over on the Blood Red Skies Facebook Group we are running a community campaign based around the Battle of Britain. The idea is that we play our scenarios based on events of 80 years ago. The campaign will continue if there is enough interest until the end of September. At the moment we are on Phase 1 – Kanalkampf. If anyone wants to join in the campaign rules are below.

    80<sup>th</sup> Anniversary Battle of Britain Campaign

    Battle of Britain global campaign for the Blood Red Skied Ready Room

    To take part each player requires one BRS squadron (six models plus associated Trait cards), plus at least one opponent. At least one copy of the BRS \ Airstrike Rules is also required.

    Players should be split into two sides, RAF & Luftwaffe, as evenly as possible. If players wish to join later in the campaign they bring a new Squadron \ Staffeln – it is assumed they’re transferring in from another sector.

    RAF can choose from any available during the Battle – ie Spitfire II, Hurricane or Defiants, Luftwaffe Me109E and Me110C. If you have a burning desire to use Gladiators etc feel free. Use the Heavy Fighter rule for 110s.

    Getting started.

    Build a Squadron. This should consist of six fighters. Pilot skills at the start are 1x 5, 1 x 4, 3 x 3, 1 x 2. The Ace is the Squadron leader and may choose 1 Ace skill. You need to be able to identify each pilot in some way so give them names. Give your Squadron a name. If we have multiple Squadrons with the same name \ number I will allocate them Flight designations or similar to differentiate.

    Me110 and Hurricane Squadrons can upgrade 1 PS3 to PS4 to represent their elite status and experience.

    Campaign Phase 1 KanalKampf

    All phase 1 battles will take place over the Channel. Missions should be either Dogfight, Fighter Sweep, Bounced, or Priority Target. Either agree or dice for the mission. Neither side may choose Numbers or Home Advantage. No equipment cards are carried.

    Theatre \ Doctrine cards.

    Each Player may choose from the following Theatre and Doctrine cards. They may choose one of each plus one weather card.


    RAF Defensive Tactics, Wall of Lead, Outnumbered,


    Dive Away, High Altitude Performance, Seasoned Pilots.

    Use the Theatre card and weather selections from page 45 of Airstrike for NW Europe 1939-40.

    Priority Target Mission amendments

    Set up the table as for the Priority target mission over the sea. The RAF are always the defenders. The target is a Small Freighter. If there are more than one players a side add another target for each extra player. Only bombers may carry air to ground ordnance (no torpedoes). Bomber crews are PS2 except Ju87s which are PS3. Bombers have the Coordinated Fire card.

    Campaign Rules

    Pilot survival.

    Being shot down over the Channel in 1940 was very bad. Pilots that are shot down survive to return to their Squadron on a D6 roll of 5+. Luftwaffe may add +1 to this roll to represent their superior Air Sea Rescue capability. RAF pilots shot down over a convoy may add +1 to this roll.


    At the end of each mission any lost pilots are replaced. The first two replacements after each mission are PS3, all others are PS2.

    Pilot Progression.

    Keep a track of pilot kills. Any pilot that scores a kill or is shot down and survives should make test using raw Pilot Skill. If they pass they have learned from the experience and gain 1 skill level up to a maximum of PS4. Pilots with 5 kills are prompted to Ace status and may choose an Ace Skill. In theory this can happen to anyone not just PS4s. Pilots who achieve 10 kills gain a second Ace skill.

    Battle Reports

    After each battle please report the results on The Ready Room (or this forum), with as much detail as you like and pics if you got them – as long as you report scores, who won etc – tag them with the topic BoB80 Campaign when you do so. I will collate and try and manage the overall results.

    Chocks Away!


    BoB80 Campaign update. Morning 14th July 1940. There are some furrowed brows in Whitehall this morning as there are signs of pressure building on the RAF. Losses to date have been light, but in three out of four encounters the Luftwaffe have come out on top. Keep those reports coming in guys!


    BoB80 Campaign Update 15th July 1940. After their initial gains the Luftwaffe seem to be being pegged back as RAF resistance stiffens. In campaign terms it is looking too close to call, however Luftwaffe casualties are higher. Not enough to cause any concerns in Berlin as of yet.



    BoB80 Campaign Update. Morning 17th July 1940. “Kesselring is furious” said the aid. The two Luftwaffe Staff officers talked in hushed tones. After initial success it was becoming clear that the Luftwaffe were not having it all their own way over the Channel. Fierce dogfights were now being reported daily, and the plan to use the threats to convoys to draw the RAF into battle was clearly working. The problem was it was not the one sided turkey shoot the Luftwaffe had been expecting. Losses on both sides were mounting, and it was far from clear which side had the advantage. Of course, in a battle of attrition the odds must surely favour the Luftwaffe, but…………… Convoys are still getting through, but the last two attacks were a disaster for the Germans, losing six bombers and no ships even damaged. Only the Ju87s have proven effective in this phase of the battle. Fighter losses remain even. Wonder what will happen as the convoys push on ……..



    Update 20.07.40. Battles over the Channel continue and after sixteen sorties everything is even. Losses so far are 15 RAF Fighters and 2 ships lost against 13 Luftwaffe Fighters and 7 Bombers. Keep it up guys!


    Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary Campaign update. 27.07.40. Both sides are finding the fighting a strain as losses mount. The Germans are not slacking in their attacks, and the British are still rising to meet them. Convoys are still getting through, but it’s a far from easy run. Overall the RAF are just holding their own, but it’s a close run thing so far. Fighter losses on both sides remain remarkably even.



    BoB80 Campaign Phase 1 Update

    KanalKampf is over, but neither side know it yet. In the last month the skies over the Channel have seen constant battles as the Luftwaffe have tried to draw the RAF into a battle of attrition. It has been a close run thing, but as 12<sup>th</sup> August 1940 ends it has become apparent that the Luftwaffe plan has not succeeded. Fighter losses have been heavy on both sides, with 26 German fighters and 9 bombers lost, compared to 22 defending RAF fighters. Both sides have learned lessons, and the Luftwaffe are now convinced that they must make a direct attack on the RAF, it’s bases and Radar stations.

    Pretty similar in fact to the real events of 80 years ago!

    Thanks to everyone who took part. Tomorrow 13<sup>th</sup> August will see the start of the second phase of the Battle – Adler Tag and beyond.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Renko.
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