AA with no Range- and AD-data, equipped with the “Local X”-Trait: What Range?

Home Forums Historical Victory At Sea AA with no Range- and AD-data, equipped with the “Local X”-Trait: What Range?

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  • #188737

    Hi Guys,

    I’ve a question to AA with no Range- and AD-data, equipped only with the “Local X”-Trait.

    Is it true that they fire during the Movement-Phase and after the Movement-Phase only on Flights in Base-Contact?

    I’ve noticed that some AAA have Range- and AD-Data – these are not in the focus of that question.

    Greets Franz


    Another question concerning AA:
    The FAQ says that DP can‘t be used defensively against Aircraft at the Start of the „Gunnery Phase“

    Are DP then only allowed to fire at Flight Stands in the Movement Phase of the Enemy?
    If true can they fire in the Movement Phase also on Flights that are not in Base contact to the firing ship?

    Greets Franz


    Ok… Local X has two parts.

    Part 1 – If an enemy flight crosses its base during the movement phase you get X = AD against that flight (remember flights move one at a time, so this can happen multiple times)
    Part 2 – In the AA step of the gunnery phase you get to add X AD to the AA pool, but must target enemy flights in base contact with your ship.  Note some times these die get bonus to hit such as +1 v Kamikaze that normal AA doesnt.

    In the AA step you have to allocate AD out to targets before rolling.
    DP – No only Local can be used during the movement phase.  What it means is the DP is NOT used in the AA step but rather when the ship activates in the gunnery phase.

    Note 1 –  AA Step = this is a term that I use to seperate when every ships AA goes before players start activating the ships /flights one at a time to fire during the gunnery phase.
    Note 2 – A comon house rule found over in the Wardroom Facebook group is to allow DP to be used in the AA step.
    Note 3 – I know you havent asked …. but the range bands on AA are there for shooting MTBs and only the extrem range is used when targeting flights

    If you go to the thread ‘News from the Wardroom’ you’ll find a Cheat sheet which is a one page guide to the complete turn order (I will get round to doing another version with the scouting chart & crit tables)  Also are flights_101, subs_101 & mtb_101 which are the rules for using those different unit types and how they slot in to the game

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Nat.

    Dear Nat,

    thank you so much for answering my question so precisely.

    Also thanks for the hint of the files in the  ‘News from the Wardroom’ posts.

    One can instantaneously feel how much effort you put into them – they help a lot.

    Greets Franz

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