Advanced BA Rules Questions: Kaukopartio Long Distance Recon w/ Transports

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Advanced BA Rules Questions: Kaukopartio Long Distance Recon w/ Transports

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  • #187747

    So lets say I give a unit of Kaukopartio Long Distance Recon  a transport and want to outflank with them, how would that work? Could I have the unit outflank in the opponents table edge with the transport?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Neely.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Neely.
    Ken Jacobsen

    I mostly play Finns, and that would make a borderline OP unit just silly good.

    I’d say no, you couldn’t transport a Kaukopartio unit on from the back edge.  That ability is granted solely to the deep recon guys, not the transport.

    Stuart Harrison

    Unit abilities/special rules don’t get transferred to any transport they may happen to be in, so that would be a no unless specifically stated in their special rules (and it isn’t).


    I totally agree with Stuart and ken.

    dont suppose you guys know where the rules or stats are for the Finnish ot133 flamethrower tank are.

    would be appreciated if anyone could help

    Stuart Harrison

    Deleted 0riginal comment.

    OT-133 is AoSU p42 in an entry with the OT-26.  There is no provision for the Finns to take it, either as a part of their list or as one of the captured vehicles allowed in the Continuation War selector.  You would have to negotiate it with your opponent under the normal ‘captured vehicles’ provisions from the FAQ:

    Can armies use captured vehicles? For example, the Russians used
    captured German vehicles and vice-versa No, they cannot, at least
    by a strict application of the rules about forming reinforced platoons.
    However, we have used ‘captured vehicles’ (or indeed ‘allied vehicles’)
    in many friendly games, and it’s very good fun!
    It’s also helpful to reach a certain amount of points for a game
    if you have a very ‘varied’ collection! We normally rule that they
    should be taken as Inexperienced or at most as Regular, but
    certainly not as Veteran, as the crew would have less experience
    with their use…

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