Advanced order and fixed artillery

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  • #172979
    Mark Prichard

    I understand that a fixed artillery unit can turn to its facing to fire at a -1 to hit. Does this include artillery that is firing indirect? Can they change their facing and fire inderect?

    Stuart Harrison

    Nothing stops them – the only specific exclusion relating to indirect is that you can’t fire indirect weapons from ambush.

    richard zamudio

    Does the distinction between direct fire and indirect play into this? If it takes a “6” to range in, how does this take into account the extra -1 for moving (change of arc of fire)?


    the rule says, for an indirect shot, a score of 6 is required to touch independently of any modifier.
    So an ADVANCE order for an indirect shot is always a 6


    And when adjusting aim, always 5 then 4 the 3 then 2 indipendently from any modifier?
    I dont understand if rules means that “…a 6 is required to hit, regardless of any modifier…” is only for firt shot at 6 (so no worse than 6) and then from 2 to 6 have to consider modifier.


    For indirect fire, its apply no modifiers – which is the table in the shooting section. However the score required for a hit with indirect fire starts of being a 6 and alters with how many turns you have been trying. getting better (lower) by one for each turn you have attempted until you hit.

    Once you have hit then the score required becomes a 2+

    EDIT – just having a quick look again, its importanat to note that the rules do not state you alter the score required. They give you conditions (firing unit not moved, target unit area within 2″ of previous location) which so long as they are met, you then see how many turns you have met these conditions for, then the rules say what score you require.

    From page 117 “If the shooter continues to fire under the same conditions explained above, a hit is scored on a 4+ in the next turn”

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nat.

    So putting pin on a mortar team, or reduce to one man stand a mortar team don’t have effect to chance to hit, but only on morale test.


    yep & forcing order checks to even get that fire order :p

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