Aircraft Carriers – What’s the point?

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  • #186457

    And yes, it would not surprise me if USN players would prefer Warlord points. Like I said, they’re hilariously (or tragically, depending on your point of view, I suppose) broken.


    Hey, i had a recent game in which i tried to get the 10 Scout Points to deploy all the planes into the game. I only got to the 7 Scout points and could only deploy half the flights of the CV`s. Since i had half of my flights scouting anyway i could deploy the rest of the flights on the table? Is that interpretation right?

    Thanks in advance


    Based on rules as written, carrier flights cannot be used for scouting.

    *If* you are using homerules that allow for carrier-based scouting, you typically “burn” any flights used for scouting and use the remaining flights for the game. In this instance, if you had a carrier with a total of 10 flights and sent out 3 to scout, but only got 7 points, you would be able to begin the battle with 5 of your remaining flights on the board.

    I will emphasize again that rules as written FORBID you from using carrier planes to scout. Yes, I do realise that real-life american doctrine prioritized carrier-based scouting above everything else. It does not seem to matter.


    Yeah RAW (and confirmed in the FAQ) is 0 flights can be used for scouting….

    However the House Rule I like is when allocating ships to scouting you may replace up to a 1/3rd of any (/all) carriers flights with the Aircraft X trait (where X is the number of flights you replace).  You can then do it that these Aircraft X can then be allocated in to the aircraft pools as normal (ie scouting, BHA & Anti Sub) or say that they all have to be use in the scouting pool.

    Dont forget that (as per the FAQ) you decide your flights when writing your list – including both role & type.


    Ok, thanks. Seems i missed a part in the rules … again. My amateurish thinking of the CV warfare learned somethin new ^^,

    Another Question of mine is about the missions. Are there some reworks for them? Because the missions in the rulebook are pretty boring when played a few times.


    The pickup games missions…. they are an attempt at pickup /tournamaent games….. but the rounding of points doesnt exactly allow for ballanced tournaments….

    Try changing the missions up a bit by adding in more terrain, or using the weather, plus not using scouting points (or if there is 10+ SP difference have the player with the lowest SP starting at anchor! (stationary, need to pass a crew quality check to get underway, may not move more than 2″ first turn)

    If you are up for it I would look at the historical sceanrios and altering them to match your models /time

    eg in the new year I’m planning on doing a version of the midway…. but having the 3 available warlord carriers instead of the 4 historical ones.

    Or a game I played last month… Yamato + 500 points V the Twins (bismark & Tirpitz) + 500 points

    Also try some of the house rules in the wardroom document (allowing BHA spotters to help turret weapons hit a moving target, adding fighter bombers etc etc)


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Nat.
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