Any US players here?

Home Forums Historical SPQR Any US players here?

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    Aaron Williams

    Hello all,

    I am just curious if there are any US players playing SPQR, specifically in California?
    There are a few great local game shops near me but, I have not seen many ancient historical gaming at any of them. It would be awesome to meet up with others interested and maybe try to build up more exposure.


    I am in the Bay Area, CA. A few interested. Where are you in CA?


    I live in the New Jersey/Greater New York area. I’d love to join a club or get some regular games in. Are there any others in the area?

    Aaron Williams

    Hey Tokhuah
    I’m in the North Bay Area near Vallejo. I am still building up my starter box but, I would definitely be interested in playing sometime soon. What’s your favorite local game shop?


    The FLGS in Oakland closed its doors earlier this year so we are still shopping around for a preferred venue. For now we are mostly playing our tabletop miniatures games at various peoples house and some are going to Games of Berkeley.

    Michael Porter

    @Ulyses Colon I’m in your area, Brooklyn, specifically, but I’m in NJ a couple times a week. Currently working on. Greek warband.


    Hey Michael,
    Where are you usually gaming out of? Is it a gamesstore in New Jersey? Greeks sound great, I’m currently building a Gaul warband. Gonna work on Romans after I finish with the Gauls. If you are interested let’s schedule a game sometime in the coming weeks.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Utilitorix.
    Michael Porter

    I actually haven’t gamed in a while. Used to be a huge DBA player until the big split in that community. SPQR has piqued my interest. Have you gamed at Maplewood Hobby? Might be a good place to meet up. I should have 500 pts of Greeks by end of next week. Send me a PM and we can make plans!


    I am in Metro Detroit area, Michigan


    Las Vegas, NV. Looking for players.


    I’m in Wright/Gillette Wyoming.

    Probably the only player in Wyoming, given there’s only a population of like 40 people in the whole state. (Okay, so it’s about half a million, but LA has 16 times that)


    Hi friends.
    I am in Oregon just outside Portland. It’s a similar issue in the Pacific Northwest. Very few gamers play Historical. It’s mostly 40k.. magic, or board games. Many have never even heard of Bolt Action (Which I also play). The community is very small.
    I might be the first person up here to begin playing SPQR. I shall recruit.


    I recently acquired the revised edition starter, any one in or around Las Vegas/Henderson NV looking to play?

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