Army Special Rules question

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  • #163578

    Hi, guys!

    I’m a newbie in Bolt Action and, after reading the rolebook, I have a question concerning the application of Armies Special Rules:
    May I have all these rules for the Army (for example German “Blitzkrieg”, “Tiger Fear”, “Hitler’s Buzzsaw”, and “Initiative Training”) at the same time in a game, or i need to choose only one of them?

    I cannot really understand the mechanics of this rule, and I’d appreciate your help about it!
    Thanks for your support!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Skoll.
    Stuart Harrison

    They generally all apply – note that the British have one special rule “A National Characteristic” (rapid fire, up and at em, blood curdling charge, Tough as Boots, Vengeance) which is a “pick one”, but that is in addition to their other national rules, “Bombardment”, and “Artillery Support”.

    Cat Shot One

    Speaking about the British National Characteristics, is there a common understanding of which rule is meant to suit which Commonwealth force?


    Hi Stuart, and thanks for answering to my question! Now I think I’m ready to play a game, finally!

    Regarding the Commonwealth question, on the rolebook there’s an intro saying that they will not allocate a rule to each nationality. So, I think it’s not important who was thoughest, or faster firing with a weapon, but you can choose a rule for a specific Commonwealth force based on an appropriate historical lore of that Nation, at your own discretion.


    Well, the Western Desert book got Special rules for:

    South Africans
    Australians (Also in New Guinea book)

    And Canada…well according to the D-Day campaign book, ‘Just field your British Platoon with the ‘Tough as Boots’ special rule’ to get Canadians.

    Gee, thanks…

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