Australian general purpose truck

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Australian general purpose truck

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  • #189643
    General marinus

    In the campaign new guinea on page 89 the australians can use an general purpose truck, which refers to the armies of great britain page 58.

    Does this just refer to the 3 ton truck, or can they employ the 30CWT and 15CWT trucks aswell?

    Would be nice to know as its not a clear reference to the units.
    The text refers to the morris, but all three pattern trucks have morris variants.

    And the wiki on australian weapons refers they home produced the ford F30 which was a CWT30 rated truck..



    well….. this is where BA fall apart… its NOT a tight competitive system, but rather a framework for mates to build appon for a flavour of ww2 game (which is why multiple campaign books played against/ with each other can break the system)…

    So basically theres two approaches… one is its a friendly game, and if thats historical & you pay the points then use it!  (this is what I would go with)
    the other is main approach is RAW… now the RAW answer appears (going off the descriptions of the vehicles) to be the 3 ton only.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Nat.
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