Base or no base, that's the question

Home Forums Historical Black Seas Base or no base, that's the question

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  • #170063

    just received my starter pack
    lovely book and lovely looking boats
    however, they seem frail and i hate to touch them directly after painting (and varnishing)
    so wondering, do people put them on bases to ease the handling ?
    do the rules allow it or work with bases ?
    size of bases etc …



    I think most people will do no bases due to the wave markers under the model. The models are also fairly large. But, seems to me if you prefer bases, go ahead mount them. A standard sized base probably wouldn’t work. You would almost need to customize the bases to the individual models.

    I’m using bases, but I’m also using 1/1000 scale ships. At that scale, a 1″x 3″ base works very well.

    Kind of quiet on here today.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Lincolnlog.
    Steve Burt

    My existing 1:600 Napoleonic ships are all based, so I will be basing the models which come with the game. It makes it easier to move and turn, and I’ve marked on the wind attitude lines in pale blue so you can see at a glance what movement to use. You can’t use the turn widget, but you can use the angled ends of the rulers to turn, and that works fine. The wake markers just go under the back of the base.
    I think the frigates are on bases about 30mm wide, and 120mm long; the bases are made big enough to protect masts, sails and bowsprit.


    I dont think I will base mine, but I did base my existing smaller scale napoleonic ships for previous games. I used bits of plasticard with a thick paint to texture the top as sea and that works really well.

    invisible officer

    If you do no running rigging you can do without basing but with one it is a must to keep clumsy fingers from doing damage.

    With just standing rigging the rik of damage is much smaller.

    But the look is not for nerds like me. 😉

    Ken Redington

    Planning on basing mine as I want to use metal bases so I can store them in a case with magnet strips. Plan is to avoid damage to the rather fragile ship masts that way when moving them around. Will make sure the base is flush with the stern in case I want to use the wake markers but saw some guys on You Tube who just put them behind their ship cards to mark speed. Made for a easier and less cluttered map. This also gives me the option of putting the ship name and faction on the base for ease of tracking them. Again no need for little flags on the ships making the board a little more uncluttered. Just put the name on the base and at the top of the ship card and there you go.

    Steve Burt

    The wake markers just tuck under the back of the base – no need to make it flush with the stern. They look fine like that and are also a useful reminder of where the ship started its move from. My bases have the ships name at the back.



    I do this as well, Ship name and National Ensign mounted on the rear of the base.



    “I think the frigates are on bases about 30mm wide, and 120mm long; the bases are made big enough to protect masts, sails and bowsprit.”

    I will make the same

    Capt John Sparrow

    Possibly more than any other game, this will be one where the opponent is best advised not to touch another player’s models. The thought of accidentally damaging my own, let alone someone else’s is making me a bit seasick…

    “Another ginger biscuit, padre?”

    Ken Redington

    I wonder if sooner or later Warlords will have mast sets in metal you can order on their website? That way you can replace the plastic with metal. Though I wonder how..umm…bendy they will be?

    Capt John Sparrow

    For me, a plastic mast is eminently more reparable by the Humbrol master carpenter than a metal mast!

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