Base sizes for Epic ACW?

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    Eric A.

    I am wondering what the base sizes should be with ACW skirmishers and Cavalry? I can’t find ANY info in the BP rule book or Glory Hallelujah. I have the base starter game for Epic ACW and a bunch of other figs that I want to use as skirmishers and for cavalry, also can’t find any info online for this, any help would be great.

    Garry Wills

    BP 2 and GH were both written before Epic existed.  BP2 does give the principles for base sizes, the frontages are what matters and so the standard units for cavalry and skirmishers will be the same as for the close order infantry. See p.16 of BP2, 200-250mm standard and 120-150mm small, you can change these up or down depending on how many epic infantry bases you use for standard units. If I have understood Epic correctly they are using 5 x 6cm bases for a standard unit, so a Small unit of skirmishers would be 180mm to match.

    Eric A.

    Ok thanks, as for Cavalry I like to mount 2 per base, not 5 as shown on the epic sales website and I wanted to only use 16 figs per Regiment not 20, I wonder if that would be acceptable?

    Garry Wills

    Figures per base are only important in terms of if they look right. The key thing is that the frontage of the units are the same at each unit size.

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