Battle of Britain Starter

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    Hi. I’d love to get into this but can’t work out if the below gives me everything I need to get started. It says it’s a starter set but do I need dice, measuring tools etc?

    I’d rather have the Battle of Britain theatre than Midway.

    Thanks in advance.



    Hmm – the answer is “almost”. You get the planes, boom chits, other markers, clouds etc, expanded rules and the like. What you don’t get in comparison to Midway is the Theatre & Doctrine cards. These are available as “The Ops Room” card deck from Warlord though tbh you don’t need them to get started. The main issue with the bundle is the notorious first edition measuring tool which is both the wrong length, and also is a PITA to use. Dice are not a problem as you really just can use normal d6. You also don’t get decals but OTOH just paying £25 for everything so you can pick up the decals from Warlord and still be very much in credit and the Midway issue measuring frame is now available separately too




    Hi. Thanks for the fast response!


    The battle of britian starter box went out  of production a couple of years ago unfortunatly and was (Eventually) replaced with the Battle of Miday box, there was a direct ‘battle of britian bundel’ which is something different.

    But yeah this is one of those games that doesnt actually NEED a starter box to get started in with….all you need is a squadron box, airstrike rulebook, the theater card pack and dice+ tokens (ie meassuring device (in inches), boom chits, activated chits & high cover)

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