Belgians vs German Battle Report

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Belgians vs German Battle Report

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  • #187303
    Jonathan Jones

    Just getting back into Bolt Action. Shot a small game to re-familiarise with the rules. Hoping to get a few more games done and maybe do some Antares after the vast amounts of ACW get painted (whoever convinced me Gettysburg was a good idea needs to shot, even in Epic Battles scale)



























    Paul Nettle

    Fantastic battle report.  I do like the idea of 500 point armies – it really limits what you can take and gives a quick and fun game.  I also really liked the terrain, especially the buildings – scratch built?

    Jonathan Jones


    The white buildings are some old resin ones I had before Bolt Action 1st Ed was released.  They were resin facades that needed a lot of TLC to get them looking good, but make nice buildings.  The others are MDF buildings (cheap ones) from eBay with “texture” sheets printed an stuck to them.  We have a resin 3D printer coming sooon, so will turn 2D texture into textured 3D sheets to improve them.

    500 point games work well, especially if you try to avoid making overly “gamey ” armies.  We are hopefully going to get quite a bit more BA done (when I can spare the time from paining ACW), and hope to do some Antares as well.  We have some Sci-Fi terrain and really excited to play a campaign or something with it

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